gregopet gregopet@identi.ca
Lydia Pintscher at 2012-07-31T06:29:28+00:00
Know some ruby and want to help !KDE a bit? Check http://ur1.ca/9v02agregopet likes this.
Martin Gräßlin at 2011-12-18T19:26:48+00:00
"There was a lot of praise for Activities, which was described as the natural extension to virtual workspaces on the Linux desktop. "gregopet, Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
Eric Mesa, Eric Mesa shared this.
@mgraesslin I only started using Activities after the release of Active One, and I like them a lot. But it took time to adapt.@mgraesslin I think the biggest change for activities now and back when I didn’t like them is that today they are fast, almost instant !kdeFlorian Jacob at 2011-12-17T13:53:24+00:00
@tanghus Nice, a fellow !owncloud hacker. :) These two blog posts helped me a lot with !kde !plasma activities: ur1.ca/6s3dx ur1.ca/6s3dkgregopet likes this.
Aaron Seigo, Aaron Seigo shared this.
@fjacob Thanks, bookmarked :-) Hacking away on the contacts UI now.Martin Gräßlin at 2011-11-12T12:00:10+00:00
First version of !KDE Desktop Effect Performance fine tuning documentation finished http://ur1.ca/5riv0gregopet likes this.