GUADEC2012 guadec@identi.ca
A Coruña, Spain
GUADEC is the yearly European GNOME conference, set for A Coruña, Spain in 2012.
Goteo. Crowdfunding the commons goteofunding@identi.ca
Barcelona, Spain
Financiación colectiva para el beneficio colectivo (procomún). Open Crowdfunding social network soon in full english!
A. U. Grupo de Programadores e Usuarios de Linux gpul@identi.ca
A Coruña, Spain
Véase: http://gpul.org/?q=node/4
Julie Pichon jpichon@identi.ca
The Pike, Ireland
Software dev, open-source enthusiast, endlessly curious about education and technology. Learning Japanese at the moment.
Julian Aloofi nailuj@identi.ca
Duesseldorf, Germany
Pupil, Outlaw, Fedorian, tinkering with all things FLOSS
Michael Fötsch mfoetsch@identi.ca
Egg, Austria
Python and C++ developer, GNU/Linux user, FLOSS supporter
Marcelo Santana mgsantana@identi.ca
Recife, Brazil
Debian l10n Portuguese team member, electronic engineer passionate about technology, free software and open standards.
Neal Quincey nealq@identi.ca
Lincoln, United Kingdom
Audio Visual / IT Tech. Lincoln College Live sound technician, doing sound for jazz concerts on a monthly basis at Lincoln Drill Hall.
Guillaume AMAT moz@identi.ca
Ruben Haan rubenhaan@identi.ca
Dronten, Netherlands
3D Internet artistic expressions. Fascination for free culture,(remix).
Sergio Infante neosergio@identi.ca
Ancayacu, Ecuador
Free Software Evangelist, Geek, Coder, Gnome Fan,