2012-02-16T10:48:31+00:00 in Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Really not liking the new Twitter web interface so thought I'd come back and see how identi.ca's doing...voted for "Evolution"
2012-01-28T10:49:14+00:00 via web To: Lev Lazinskiy, Linux, Public
2011-09-12T13:47:02+00:00 in Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
The Shining Visitor2011-09-10T21:33:48+00:00 in Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
I've just had the pleasure of designing & coding this website for sculptress Gitte Dæhlin: www.gittedaehlin.com2011-09-10T21:30:03+00:00 in Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Installed Elementary OS on my mate's Acer netbook the other day, works a treat - another Linux convert!2011-09-09T18:16:18+00:00 in Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
get_iplayer is a brilliant piece of software.2011-09-07T07:54:41+00:00 in Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
I strongly disapprove of the expression 'in real time'. Has good old quotidian time become passé and unreal?2011-09-03T22:15:09+00:00 in Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom via web To: Public
Having a nineties nostalgia fest with Prime Suspect.2011-03-28T04:19:37+00:00 in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico via web To: Public
Lodge: "It's a fallacy the idea that you allow the market to decide what is done by the universities. " http://ind.pn/dZIl6M2011-02-16T00:32:04+00:00 in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico via TweetDeck To: Public
2011-01-29T03:03:02+00:00 in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico via TweetDeck To: Public
Sweet, I just got my identi.ca account set up in Tweetdeck, thanks to the linked article: http://bit.ly/hHmgMv2011-01-06T19:07:16+00:00 in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico via web To: Public
Weather reporter gets creative with similes: 'the cold air moves south like a layer of blue treacle'.2010-12-11T01:39:27+00:00 in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico via web To: Public
Ay, dios, I'm all HTML'd out...2010-12-08T16:32:34+00:00 in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico via web To: Public
Twitter has obviously chosen its side in the cyber war. #Wikileaks not trending, ever? Looks like I'll be spending more time over here.A. Mitchell likes this.
Glyn Moody shared by Tom at 2010-12-08T16:24:42+00:00 via web To: Public
RT @PoliceStateUK The Bolivian government is hosting #WikiLeaks #cablegate documents on its official servers! http://s.coop/wlbo >>kudosTom, Tom, Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer and 2 others shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by Tom at 2010-12-08T16:24:42+00:00 via web To: Public
RT @PoliceStateUK The Bolivian government is hosting #WikiLeaks #cablegate documents on its official servers! http://s.coop/wlbo >>kudosTom, Tom, Mike Linksvayer, Mike Linksvayer and 2 others shared this.
2010-12-06T02:12:33+00:00 in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico via gwibber To: Public
Visited the towns of San Andres and Zinacantan today. Lovely people and lovely food!2010-12-03T23:40:21+00:00 in Brighton, United Kingdom via gwibber To: Public
A couple of weeks into using #Ubuntu, it's amazing how helpful the community is and how much more one learns than on OS X.2010-10-31T18:12:58+00:00 in Brighton, United Kingdom via web To: Public
facebook friends cull!2010-10-17T22:26:27+00:00 in Brighton, United Kingdom via web To: tottenham hotspur, Public
Really interesting weekend of football. !Spurs showing great resolve, so excited about the Inter game. Felt sorry for Blackpool today.