2013-07-17T05:35:03Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
go wait in the time machine2013-07-17T05:33:56Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
Hilton Garcia Fernandes shared by A. Mitchell at 2013-06-29T21:22:08+00:00 via web To: Public
@aem76us @dvdmrsdn @chalkahlom @alpacherder In spite of joking with the delay to pump.io, we all trust @evan & team skills.A. Mitchell shared this.
Stephen Michael Kellat shared by A. Mitchell at 2013-06-29T21:12:19+00:00 via web To: Public
@aem76us Identica is **not** closing. The back-end is changing. It may take a while for that transition to finish but it *is* underway now.A. Mitchell, Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
A. Mitchell, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Steven Rosenberg shared this.
2013-06-29T03:50:45+00:00 in Seattle, United States via web To: Public
Identi.ca is closing. To have your data ported to Pump.io, denting once since 1 May 2012 is all you need to do. http://ur1.ca/dmv30Dvd Mrsdn likes this.
Lourdes Castillo, Dvd Mrsdn shared this.
'The Identi.ca social network service will be moving to a new software platform...' IDENTICA IS NOT FUCKING CLOSING! !ffsDvd Mrsdn at 2013-06-29T08:47:23+00:00
A. Mitchell, Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
@aem76us eh, identica is not closing, it is merely turning into a pumpio software powered butterfly!Chalkahlom at 2013-06-29T08:59:48+00:00
A. Mitchell, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, ghostdancer likes this.
@aem76us Identica is **not** closing. The back-end is changing. It may take a while for that transition to finish but it *is* underway now.Stephen Michael Kellat at 2013-06-29T14:10:22+00:00
A. Mitchell, Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
@aem76us @dvdmrsdn @chalkahlom @alpacherder In spite of joking with the delay to pump.io, we all trust @evan & team skills.2013-04-29T01:45:38+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Googlestan2013-04-26T05:32:20+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
A train wreck just slowed down to look at @yahoomail2013-04-05T20:44:01+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
microblogging as sublimation2013-04-04T21:05:38+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Serious Q: We’ve had Old & Middle English. What’ll we be calling our language in 20 years & how will it have changed? No Putonghua jokes pls2013-03-30T04:04:53+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
VeriSign worried that 1000s of new TLDs could break the root and are inadequately supported by ICANN. http://x.co/Verisign8k By @spamvikktim2013-03-29T06:20:34+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Google Glass Is Banned On These Premises.—sign http://ur1.ca/d7du8 Thx @genebecker via @farihaakshared by A. Mitchell at 2013-03-27T05:33:58+00:00 via web To: Public
No more new registrations on Identica http://ur1.ca/d6gjm Refer your friends to http://pump.io/tryit.htmlGustavo Vega, Oyun, David "Judah's Shadow" Blue, Galahad vom Gral and 13 others likes this.
glx-consult.com, glx-consult.com, DOMENICO PERRI, DOMENICO PERRI and 62 others shared this.
Show all 11 replies@michaelmd and pump.io is different from StatusNet on purpose. That's a feature, not a bug.Evan Prodromou at 2013-03-28T17:45:18+00:00
IRL INVISPIDE likes this.
I've been referring my friends to rstat.us for some time. Federation means more implementations, not just more servers! :DStephen Paul Weber at 2013-03-29T21:11:45+00:00
Tony Adam likes this.
some sample pump.io blogs would be nice to look at.2013-02-11T06:48:49+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Professional service providers have clients. Barbers and convenience stores have customers.2012-12-28T09:09:18+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Rafts wash up onto rocky shores, miners emerge from collapsed pits, gulag gates swing open, holiday guests depart and normal life resumes.2012-12-25T07:24:34+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
The first steps in making society as a whole less corrupt? Clean up the enforcers, i.e., the courts and the police. Lesson from Nigeria.2012-12-20T11:18:18+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
When Ghostery blocks the Twitter button (for general Web tracking) in Firefox, all Twitter features stop except a limited ability to ‘read.’2012-12-13T00:15:15+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
The only times I’m tempted to consider suicide are when dealing with persistent defects in Microsoft products. In other words, all the time.2012-11-11T14:40:24+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
We’ve created a cargo-cult atmosphere in South Asia, whereby good things come from cargo containers and money can be handed out freely.2012-11-11T13:48:48+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
Petraeus scandal could give the impression that Americans (at least those at the top) are in Afghanistan to live la vida loca.2012-11-09T09:37:34+00:00 in Seattle, United States To: Public
News about HSBC’s hawala racket underscores how most Indian IT corps laundered $s. It was the only real purpose for many, eg Hero. #Kejriwal