I'm a musician, a blogger, a geek, and an info addict. I also enjoy the internets. And lolspk.
Carl at 2009-06-03T22:43:44+00:00
Carl likes this.
Stephen Paul Weber at 2009-05-07T06:20:57+00:00
Google Calendar just magically figured out where I was and asked if I wanted to change my timezone. AwesomeCarl likes this.
Carl at 2009-05-02T23:46:34+00:00
Is it bad to have your first and last name as a domain name? Is there a risk for identity theft?? I see other people do it.Carl likes this.
Lame Jokes at 2009-04-14T19:01:08+00:00
Program, noun: A magic spell cast upon a computer to enable it to turn input into error messages.Carl likes this.