Framasoft shared by HgO at 2013-06-03T14:15:26+00:00 via web To: Public
Musique, cuisine, religion, vêtements, etc. la lifestyle de Richard Stallman http://ur1.ca/e5zyk Sur #Framablog Merci aux traducteursHgO shared this.
Framasoft shared by HgO at 2012-11-07T17:26:00+00:00 via web To: Public
Rencontre vidéo avec deux membres du Parti pirate belge Line Callebaut et Marouan El Moussaoui http://ur1.ca/atyx7Framasoft shared by HgO at 2012-11-07T17:26:00+00:00 via web To: Public
Rencontre vidéo avec deux membres du Parti pirate belge Line Callebaut et Marouan El Moussaoui http://ur1.ca/atyx7Cyrille Largillier shared by HgO at 2012-09-28T04:23:19+00:00 via web To: Public
Tears of Steeel le nouveau #film de la fondation #blender vient de sortir http://ur1.ca/5a6vg #openculture #opensource !framasoftCédric Schmitz likes this.
HgO, HgO, Cédric Schmitz, Cédric Schmitz shared this.
Cyrille Largillier shared by HgO at 2012-09-28T04:23:19+00:00 via web To: Public
Tears of Steeel le nouveau #film de la fondation #blender vient de sortir http://ur1.ca/5a6vg #openculture #opensource !framasoftCédric Schmitz likes this.
HgO, HgO, Cédric Schmitz, Cédric Schmitz shared this.
Ploum shared by HgO at 2012-08-17T14:46:01+00:00 via web To: Public
Appel aux signatures pour le Parti Pirate, merci de relayer : http://ur1.ca/9z3m7 #jesigneGatitac, HgO, HgO, Monique Brunel and 1 others shared this.
Ploum shared by HgO at 2012-08-17T14:46:01+00:00 via web To: Public
Appel aux signatures pour le Parti Pirate, merci de relayer : http://ur1.ca/9z3m7 #jesigneGatitac, HgO, HgO, Monique Brunel and 1 others shared this.
Framasoft shared by HgO at 2012-07-05T20:22:15+00:00 via web To: Public
Framasoft soutient la campagne pirate de notre ami belge @ploum :) http://ur1.ca/9qc7qPloum likes this.
Ploum, Ploum, Monique Brunel, Monique Brunel and 2 others shared this.
Framasoft shared by HgO at 2012-07-05T20:22:15+00:00 via web To: Public
Framasoft soutient la campagne pirate de notre ami belge @ploum :) http://ur1.ca/9qc7qPloum likes this.
Ploum, Ploum, Monique Brunel, Monique Brunel and 2 others shared this.
2012-03-14T16:23:05+00:00 via web To: Public