Monique Brunel webatou@identi.ca
Mons, Belgium
En campagne pour des sites Web de qualité, conformes et accessibles - Mozilla Rep | Firefox, logiciels libres, formats ouverts, TIC...
Evan Prodromou shared by Monique Brunel at 2013-07-10T23:12:58+00:00 via web To: Public
Identi.ca is going to change over tonight at about 9PM EDT http://identi.ca/url/76112113Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Fabián Bonetti, ostfriesenmärz and 14 others likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Monique Brunel, ostfriesenmärz, dper@identi.ca and 29 others shared this.
Show all 12 repliesyey, can't wait to see this live.Account Removed at 2013-07-10T19:06:05+00:00
dper@identi.ca, Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
@pvincent RT of evan@identi.ca / Identi.ca is going to change over tonight at about 9PM EDT http://ur1.ca/elckr #pump.io #shiftbjavotte at 2013-07-10T19:55:49+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
@evan It will go fine: "Having been some days in preparation / A splendid time is guaranteed for all."Hilton Garcia Fernandes at 2013-07-11T01:17:31+00:00
Susan Pinochet, bjavotte, Evan Prodromou likes this.
2013-07-10T23:07:18+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
13 Time-Saving Tools for Web Designers http://ur1.ca/eliwu by @Gabi_Azilia #webdesign #webdev #tools2013-07-10T22:33:18+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: a(n) person, Public
2013-07-10T22:26:04+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: a(n) person, Public
RT @planetmozilla: Alexander Surkov: Accessible Mozilla: Firefox 24 http://bit.ly/12ZQIGu #a11y #Firefox2013-07-09T12:08:16+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
Découvrir les oeuvres du domaine public en ligne http://ur1.ca/ekusb par @thot #DomainePublic2013-07-05T21:11:34+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
FirefoxOS envahit Varsovie ! :-D Belle série de photos prises par @Witia001 avec smartphone un #FirefoxOS #keon http://ur1.ca/eji9z #Mozilla2013-07-05T21:05:09+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
\o/ RT @Witia001: #FirefoxOS and soc-real architecture at Constitution Square in Warsaw. http://ow.ly/mGYa5 - http://ur1.ca/ejjqx2013-07-05T21:03:13+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
\o/ RT @Witia001: #FirefoxOS is looking at Warsaw. Taken by #Geeksphone #Keon. More photos: http://ow.ly/mGYa5 http://ur1.ca/ejigu2013-07-04T15:38:17+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: a(n) person, Public
Avec FirefoxOS, Mozilla veut que le Web prenne la première place http://ur1.ca/ej34d par @nitot #FirefoxOS #Mozilla #mobile2013-07-04T15:13:55+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
Concours international réservé aux jeunes créateurs en arts appliqués, design et technologie http://ur1.ca/ej2vy cc @artnum2013-07-04T13:37:41+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
2013-07-04T13:31:36+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
RT @SinaBahram Interesting post. #Accessibility Starts in the Style Guide by @KevinPotts: http://t.co/Gtsp3HkQLW #WebDev #html #wcag #a11y2013-07-04T13:20:16+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
RT @UNESCO We believe in a universal Internet: open, accessible & owned by everyone http://t.co/XUux4gxGXy #freedomofexpression2013-07-04T12:47:47+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
RT @mozpub [Hello Word] @Jack_Franklin gives us a quick #FirefoxOS intro. http://t.co/8Clqb1niM42013-07-04T12:09:12+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
Avant il y avait les popups à l'ouverture d'une page Web... maintenant il y a les fenêtres modales, et cela me saoule !!! #webdesign #ux@webatou Je bloque par défaut le JavaScript. Je rate probablement des trucs parfois, mais c'est beaucoup plus reposant...2013-07-03T19:46:48+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
2013-07-03T19:40:56+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Cédric Heintz, Public
RT @ced117 Deux ministères français communiquent leur usage du libre http://t.co/K1qxiYZ9VE via @linuxfrorg #LogicielsLibres2013-07-03T12:04:26+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
Elham Ashgari RT @zariaurore Une nageuse iranienne perd son record pour non-respect de la charia http://t.co/p7QErjgSa3 via @rtbfinfo2013-07-03T10:47:15+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: a(n) person, Public
RT @temesis [Blog] Formation "Devenir responsable qualité web" http://t.co/mURIqfWm7q #management #qualité #UX2013-07-03T10:36:56+00:00 in Mons, Walloon Region, Belgium via web To: Public
Application lecture pour dyslexiques http://ur1.ca/eilda manque majuscules/minuscules, couleurs #lisibilité #dyslexie #a11y #ipad #mobile