Jonathan Carter highvoltage@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
I know you, you know me, one thing I can tell you is you got to be free
2015-08-26T07:40:11Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-05-09T10:14:33+00:00 in Blomtuin, Province of the Western Cape, South Africa To: Public
NASA switches from Windows to Linux for the ISS (International Space Station): http://ur1.ca/dq4wu #debian #linux2013-03-09T08:25:06+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
At the CTPUG sprint for the PyconZA 2013 website, learning new things and making new friends. http://ur1.ca/d0lxb #ctpug #python2013-02-07T21:08:08+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
It's amazing how far this project has come since the StarOffice 5.2 days! Congrats to the #LibreOffice team! http://ur1.ca/cpwbu2013-02-05T03:27:50+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
For those who still like Gnome Panel, it's going to be around a bit longer: http://ur1.ca/cp6gw #gnome #gnomepanel2012-12-11T18:13:22+00:00 in Montreal, Canada To: Public
Samba 4 is finally released! Congrats to the Samba team! http://ur1.ca/bzfxd2012-08-22T02:45:17+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
2012-07-10T18:44:51+00:00 in Montreal, Canada To: Public
2012-07-10T14:54:02+00:00 in Montreal, Canada To: Public
2012-07-09T00:11:44+00:00 in Montreal, Canada To: Public
2012-04-23T15:23:49+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
2012-03-13T02:28:25+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
2012-03-04T18:33:50+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
2012-02-27T13:54:04+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
Stop stealing our dreams! http://ur1.ca/8eppk #educations2012-02-06T21:23:34+00:00 in Cape Gate, Province of the Western Cape, South Africa To: Public
I asked Mark Shuttleworth what the "Absolutely free" in http://ur1.ca/81ger means. He said it refers to price only :/ #ubuntu@highvoltage I think the first bullet point of http://goo.gl/wengE is more relevant for the remix discussion. :/2012-01-15T20:27:57+00:00 in Cape Gate, Province of the Western Cape, South Africa To: Public
Wireshark on CNN! http://ur1.ca/7ih4h2011-12-22T19:48:15+00:00 in Montreal, Canada To: Public
Nice blog post on how Apple discriminates against people outside of the US:: http://ping.fm/tYXUo2011-11-08T22:51:08+00:00 in Montreal, Canada To: Public
Allison Randal: Mythbusters: UEFI and Linux - http://ping.fm/d3n5B2011-11-04T18:50:43+00:00 in Montreal, Canada To: Public
Oh no! Just got rickrolled at #UDS during the lightning talk!2011-11-04T18:01:19+00:00 in Montreal, Canada To: Public
Thanks to the person who returned my phone to lost+found! I don't know who you are but I'm sending some karma your way! #uds