See you next year in Montreal, Canada!
der.hans, Olivier Berger, Jonathan Carter likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-07-10T08:23:50Z
"Burn, baby! BURN!"
Sarah Elkins, Douglas Perkins, der.hans, Lars Wirzenius and 9 others likes this.
Blaise Alleyne, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), FLWNQWUD, Freemor and 1 others shared this.
Debian Project at 2016-07-10T16:17:19Z
All recorded DebConf16 sessions have already been reviewed and published by our video team, you can find them here:
Karl Fischer, Douglas Perkins, der.hans, MATTEO BECHINI and 10 others likes this.
Stephen Michael Kellat, Iñaki Arenaza, Nathan Willis, Stephen Michael Kellat and 5 others shared this.
Debian Project at 2016-07-10T16:19:26Z
Now that you will be downloading and watching DebConf16 videos for a while,
what about transcribing them (and maybe translating)? Join the DebConf Subtitle taskforce!
der.hans, Jonathan Carter, Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
der.hans, Elena ``of Valhalla'' shared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-07-02T07:40:17Z
DebConf16 starts today, with the Debian Open Festival, aimed to the general public. Join us if you are in Cape Town! Or follow the live streaming at
(Thanks Valessio Brito for the Open Festival flyer!)
Jonathan Carter likes this.
Debian Project at 2016-07-03T07:44:14Z
der.hans, Jonathan Carter likes this.
Debian Project at 2016-07-03T10:38:29Z
DebConf16 events this afternoon:
Join us if you are in Cape Town! Or follow the live streaming at
der.hans, Jonathan Carter, Arcee likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' at 2016-07-03T13:57:01Z
der.hans, Charles Stanhope, Debian Project, Jonathan Carter likes this.
Debian Project at 2016-06-20T10:55:00Z
Debian Day will be on Tuesday, August 16th in 2016.
Let others know about your local DebianDay celebration plans!
Jonathan Carter, AleksandrSlobodeniuk, der.hans, Scorpio20 likes this.
Debian Project at 2016-06-16T10:24:48Z
l30bravo, Jonathan Carter likes this.
Debian Project at 2016-06-08T07:53:30Z
Nathan Willis, Jonathan Carter likes this.
Walked into the nave of a temple this Sunday.. Bass Pro store.
Yes, that's full size animal dioramas where the stained glass should be, and a waterfall and aquarium at the altar.
Dear future archeaologists: Sorry we're so weird.. write some good papers about out religious fervor.
Jonathan Carter, Charles Stanhope likes this.
Debian Project at 2016-06-05T22:49:14Z
The official call for Stretch artwork proposals has been made! Help define the look and feel of Debian 9.
der.hans, Face, Arcee, Jonathan Carter and 1 others likes this.
Debian Project at 2016-06-06T09:21:11Z
Arcee, Jonathan Carter likes this.
Debian Project at 2016-05-17T11:12:32Z
Jonathan Carter, der.hans, RiveraValdez likes this.
eliotime™ shared this.
Debian Project at 2016-05-22T12:03:15Z
The Debian Installer team announced the sixth alpha release of the installer for Debian 9 stretch.
There are many improvements as Debian Pure Blends available in the software selection screen, improvements in accessibility, Linux 4.5.0-2, more hardware supported... Testing and feedback are welcome!
Jonathan Carter, der.hans, uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs likes this.
Debian Project at 2016-05-03T11:55:18Z
l30bravo, Jonathan Carter, Egon Willighagen, lostson and 1 others likes this.
Debian Project at 2016-04-07T09:11:00Z
Let's welcome Microsoft as a Silver Sponsor for DebConf16!
Jonathan Carter, MATTEO BECHINI likes this.
Jakukyo Friel, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) and 2 others shared this.