Jordi Inglada inglada@identi.ca
Parti Pirate at 2011-09-02T16:35:24+00:00
Les sous-traitants d'#Apple polluent gravement http://ppfr.it/47r via @greenit et le rapport accablant de 5 ONG chinoises http://ppfr.it/47sJordi Inglada likes this.
Self-Reliance asbl, Self-Reliance asbl, xbmacx, xbmacx shared this.
Stefano Zacchiroli at 2011-08-20T08:04:25+00:00
2-part article (in french) on the status quo of scientific publishing: http://www.acrimed.org/article3646.htmlJordi Inglada likes this.
♻ @zack 2-part article (in french) on the status quo of scientific publishing: http://www.acrimed.org/article3646.htmlParti Pirate at 2011-08-19T22:01:55+00:00
#ff @PartiPirateMP Le Parti Pirate en Midi-Pyrénées ! https://midi-pyrenees.partipirate.org + #picnicpirate #bbqpirate à Toulouse le 27 aoûtJordi Inglada likes this.
Luke Shumaker at 2011-08-15T17:44:12+00:00
With !Emacs term-mode working, I'm knocking #urxvt out of usage. Down to just Emacs and a browser (!icecat / #Conkeror )Jordi Inglada likes this.
gnusay at 2011-08-11T03:29:09+00:00
Jordi Inglada likes this.
Fabian Rodriguez at 2011-08-11T13:35:17+00:00
#OpenStack: building a free massively scalable cloud computing platform #FOSDEM 2011 talk @ archive.org #autonomous !fsf http://ur1.ca/4w86aJordi Inglada likes this.