Jordi Inglada inglada@identi.ca
Racketiciel - AFUL racketiciel@identi.ca
LinuxFr.org linuxfrorg@identi.ca
Saint-Georges-la-Pouge, France
Nouvelles francophones sur Linux et le logiciel libre/opensource, et sujets afférents
Tim W (Goblin) openbytes@identi.ca
Flitwick, United Kingdom
Championing FOSS, exposing FUD and the underhanded tactics of some proprietary firms. "Piratae vita mea."
Thomas Gideon cmdln@identi.ca
Washington, DC
A peculiar character. https://peculiarcharacter.com and https://thecommandline.net
Nikos Roussos comzeradd@identi.ca
Kalamávki, Greece
opensource & digitalrights activist - @mozilla rep, @fedora dev, @fsfe ga member, @hackerspacegr member
Software Freedom Law Center sflc@identi.ca
New York, United States
We provide legal representation and other law-related services to protect and advance Free, Libre, and Open Source Software.
Lars Wirzenius liw@identi.ca
John Goerzen jgoerzen@identi.ca
Daniel Martí mvdanold@identi.ca
The Linux Foundation linuxfoundation@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
The Linux Foundation is a nonprofit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux.
Katherine Noyes noyesk@identi.ca
Canadian grrl geek, Pandora junkie, space enthusiast and Linux aficionado. Blogger at PCWorld, Springwise and LinuxInsider.