Wilbert Isaac Cortés isaaccortes@identi.ca
Río Seco, Costa Rica
Math fan, Phisycs fan, Interest in Fedora and design. I study "Corporate Computing", electrical engineering and physics in UCR.
Carlos Solís at 2013-05-17T03:30:32+00:00
Estimada (?) @Laura_Ch: el pueblo considera que no rodaron las cabezas que tenían que rodar. ¿Conoce el ritual del Seppuku? Pues eso.Wilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
Carlos Solís at 2013-03-27T22:17:54+00:00
RD @isaaccortes: Sugerencia al Proyecto #GNOME: ¡DEJEN DE ROMPER LA API! // Y ya de paso las pelotasWilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
Máirín at 2013-03-22T17:35:12+00:00
a remaster of Final Fantasy X & X-2?? TAKE MY MONEY NOW!!! http://ur1.ca/d521fWilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
Wilbert Isaac Cortés, Wilbert Isaac Cortés shared this.
Carlos Solís at 2013-03-06T21:54:29+00:00
Es que en serio, la gente de Hyrule sí tenía que aguantar ratadas. http://ur1.ca/czqc9Wilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
Máirín at 2013-03-05T19:20:23+00:00
the best way to avoid people thinking that you're a dick is probably to not act like a dick in the first place.Wilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
And while we're at it, we need to collectively stop making excuses for the dicks. "But he's such an awesome dev" or whatever crapdno at 2013-03-05T19:35:30+00:00
Máirín likes this.
Máirín at 2013-02-21T23:19:30+00:00
LOL no you can't have an *.ai file for this. It wasn't made with illustrator :)Wilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
Christopher Allan Webber at 2013-01-27T03:55:20+00:00
It's not dead; I'm just not convinced the desktop/laptop distinction is a useful one anymore if I had a dock, and it uses a lot of power.Wilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
Máirín at 2013-01-25T22:13:05+00:00
maybe designers should also pursue becoming licensed therapists to help handle some of the more emotional usability bugs that get reportedWilbert Isaac Cortés, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
@mairin it's very true but lately the bugs I've reporting have been about the intel graphics driver,a completely nightmare! rivotril please!Carlos Solís at 2013-01-22T02:39:48+00:00
#TwitterEstáMásLentoQue los preparativos legales para el doblaje de #NarutoShippuuden. // cc @LaloGarx, sin ofenderWilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
Máirín at 2013-01-21T18:09:40+00:00
Wilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
@mairin I don't know, I had no problem installing f18 with the new !Anaconda it was a little bit confusing but just because it's different.Carlos Solís at 2013-01-15T21:04:14+00:00
@ghmorales I define willpower as the ability to override instinct with reason as the source of behavior.Wilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
@csolisr I'll think about this later.Carlos Solís at 2013-01-08T22:58:37+00:00
@adridiaz89 Siguiente parada: protestar hasta que a los hombres nos permitan orinar en públicoWilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
Popa Adrian Marius at 2013-01-08T20:43:04+00:00
!Debian is the kind of distribution you put on a computer that you want to sit in a room and run for years without a problem.Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Andrew Alderwick, Alireza, Wilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
blindsite, blindsite, fabianne balvedi, fabianne balvedi and 20 others shared this.
@mariuz It is, indeed.- Every time I hear Richard Stallman talk, I remember how great it is to have #freesoftware. !GNU/!Linux FTW! (Linux-libre, in my case :P)
Esteban Carnevale, Wilbert Isaac Cortés, Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
Paul Frields at 2012-09-05T13:10:37+00:00
Cool, !Fedora 17 is a ship option for ZaReason Ultrabook 430: http://zareason.com/shop/UltraLap-430.html #beefymiracle #linuxWilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
Máirín at 2012-09-21T13:33:20+00:00
motorola calls for a ban on all #apple devices for patent infringement, bwahaha http://ur1.ca/abzeuWilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
Fábio Roberto Teodoro, Fábio Roberto Teodoro shared this.
Máirín at 2012-02-07T15:41:54+00:00
proud to work on a distro with a female project leader! congrats @robynbergeron ...!Wilbert Isaac Cortés, Dr. Matt Lee, Deb Nicholson, Luya Tshimbalanga and 2 others likes this.
Harish Pillay, Harish Pillay shared this.
Fedora has a new female project leader! http://ur1.ca/81otl I do hope the next DPL candidates will include members of !debianwomenTom Marble at 2012-02-07T15:47:50+00:00
Evan Prodromou likes this.
Robyn as Fedora Project leader is fantastic having met her at Toronto FudCon. Thanks Jareh, for the role.Erez Schatz at 2012-02-08T16:44:26+00:00
Updating the CPAN !perl modules on the netbook after a few months is always a good way to kill a few hoursWilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
Máirín at 2012-02-07T20:10:23+00:00
gconf kiss of death! arghWilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.
@mairin wait for the gsettings crash of doom.Máirín at 2012-02-07T16:03:27+00:00
that apple could be a pie, but once you've made it a sauce, it's a sauceWilbert Isaac Cortés likes this.