2013-02-28T19:05:07+00:00 To: allegrargella, Public
and the winner is.... BerlGrilRsani :-D :-DJaromil shared by Giaco El Vecio at 2013-02-28T19:01:14+00:00 via web To: Public
Support this initiative in Bogor Indonesia if you can http://ur1.ca/cvqsb it's a good cause and its for real !y0RiveraValdez likes this.
Giaco El Vecio, Giaco El Vecio, Vladimir, Vladimir shared this.
2013-02-23T18:46:11+00:00 To: Marcio B. Jr., Public
@mbjunior se Berlusconi ganhar de novo eles todos vão receber visita http://goo.gl/Iai09 :-D #ChakaAssassinashared by Giaco El Vecio at 2013-01-07T19:50:51+00:00 via web To: Public
We updated the Friendica plataform (3.1.1578) and Add-Ons at Ambiente Digital. Any Problem, Please Report to us. Thanks!2013-01-04T17:08:57+00:00 To: Public
test x friendica2013-01-04T16:38:36+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
test adminshared by Giaco El Vecio at 2012-11-20T16:42:16+00:00 via web To: Public
2012-11-18T19:55:10+00:00 via web To: Public
2012-11-17T22:44:01+00:00 in Salvador, Estado de Bahía, Brazil To: Public
http://identi.ca/fulano/outbox para ver mensagens enviadas no identica pra quem não sabe ;-)@j66elvecio Não dá (ish, quanto que eu já não tentei isso aí rsrs) tente a minha por exemplo. http://identi.ca/mbjunior/outboxMarcio B. Jr. at 2012-11-17T22:55:43+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
é que no identica não tó vendo a opçaõ pra ver as minhas mgs enviadas, e esse é o unico jeito ...q coisa viu...Giaco El Vecio at 2012-11-17T23:02:28+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz shared by Giaco El Vecio at 2012-11-17T01:14:21+00:00 via web To: Public
Richard #Stallman - #Facebook and Google+ Mistreat Their Users http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymuqUJ3MsEs&feature=related #gplus #spying #profiling #usersAsProducts !fsfOriol Rossich, Oriol Rossich, Francesco OpenCode, Francesco OpenCode and 4 others shared this.
2012-10-04T22:07:22+00:00 To: allegrargella, Public
tutto ok ?shared by Giaco El Vecio at 2012-10-04T03:19:00+00:00 via web To: Public
Why Mozilla Persona is the right answer...Why Mozilla Persona is the right answer to the question of Identity - The Lab…2012-10-03T14:49:23+00:00 in Salvador, Estado de Bahía, Brazil To: fabianne guarani-kaiowá balvedi, Public
testando 'wall to wall' privado com pessoa que não me segue (impossivel enviar msg priv mas talvez é possivel usar este recurso). É ok?2012-10-01T18:35:14+00:00 in Salvador, Estado de Bahía, Brazil To: fabianne guarani-kaiowá balvedi, Public
grata pelo link, que ótimo saber disso! Bici 1, automobili 0 \o/ RT @j66elvecio http://ur1.ca/agl7n ;-)shared by Giaco El Vecio at 2012-08-24T02:59:55+00:00 via web To: Public
2012-08-09T01:34:51+00:00 in Salvador, Estado de Bahía, Brazil To: Public
e ai qual é a novidade no identi.ca? O papa morreu ? O Papy (berlusconi) morreu? Não, então não aconteceu nada, boa noite identi.cos :-)2012-05-04T01:17:53+00:00 in Salvador, Estado de Bahía, Brazil To: Public
2012-05-03T18:31:03+00:00 in Salvador, Estado de Bahía, Brazil To: Public
Giaco Pastorius shared by Giaco El Vecio at 2012-05-03T18:09:19+00:00 via web To: Public
♲ friendicanews
Follow and reshare #friendica news on #twitter and #identica
http://identi.ca/friendicanewsGiaco Pastorius shared by Giaco El Vecio at 2012-05-01T16:52:39+00:00 via web To: Public
@Silvia** Morgenstern e liguri vari ;-) ... forse vi interessa questo (magari passate parola)