2013-06-12T20:22:54+00:00 via BitlBee To: Public
A new Tomb release, version 1.3.1 is out http://ur1.ca/eavau with major bugfixesJose R Rodriguez, Vladimir, juancuyo shared this.
2013-06-07T08:33:33+00:00 via BitlBee To: The Dyne Foundation, Public
!Hackmeeting Italiano a Cosenza - rassegna stampa on-line http://ur1.ca/e7yhr !y02013-06-01T22:00:32+00:00 via BitlBee To: emacs, Public
Guys, please: we don't need multi-threading in !Emacs, we just need background save. re http://ur1.ca/e56fhwhy not multithreading in !emacs? Why not both? are they difficult to implement?2013-05-30T19:16:37+00:00 via BitlBee To: The Dyne Foundation, Public
GNU/Linux !video editing with Kdenlive and Frei0r 1.4 plugins http://ur1.ca/e3v7f !y02013-05-29T23:42:17+00:00 To: Public
this !bitlbee http://ur1.ca/e3eed just got better and better - the best way to stay connected and keep your ip private !y02013-05-07T11:09:33+00:00 To: Public
Bros, no doubt that this man is our new Pope http://ur1.ca/dqate !y02013-03-25T21:20:28+00:00 To: Public
Next Thursday in Utrecht "DIY Currencies" event at the Impakt Festival http://ur1.ca/d67gs !bitcoin !y02013-03-16T09:31:12+00:00 To: LAG - Hacklab Amsterdam, Public
LAG is a scrap-computer-shop/hacklab in Amsterdam :: subscribe to @lag on identica and RSVP the event tonight! !y0RiveraValdez likes this.
2013-03-16T09:28:55+00:00 To: The Dyne Foundation, Public
Tonight in Amsterdam the LAG opens http://ur1.ca/d2tzt with a roundtable on hacktivism - LAG is a new hacklab inside http://ur1.ca/d2tzv2013-03-11T09:53:16+00:00 To: The Dyne Foundation, Public
Ardour 3.0 released http://ur1.ca/d1bs2 the free and open source multi-track audio studio. Big up Paul Davis & co \o/ !RiveraValdez, RiveraValdez shared this.
2013-02-23T09:40:33+00:00 To: The Dyne Foundation, Public
Support this initiative in Bogor Indonesia if you can http://ur1.ca/cvqsb it's a good cause and its for real !y0RiveraValdez likes this.
Giaco El Vecio, Giaco El Vecio, Vladimir, Vladimir shared this.
2013-02-21T10:55:05+00:00 To: The Dyne Foundation, Public
E' uscito il libro Societing Reloaded (in Italiano) che include anche un contributo dagli hackers di !dyne http://ur1.ca/cv6n6 !y02013-02-15T13:12:06+00:00 To: The Dyne Foundation, Public
An artist and pirate hacked the governmental servers of the Cayman Islands and now sells the company registrations http://ur1.ca/ctfv72013-02-13T21:08:53+00:00 To: The Dyne Foundation, Public
The empowering potential of complementary currencies and alternative payment systems - http://ur1.ca/csz3w !y02013-01-24T23:14:59+00:00 To: The Dyne Foundation, Public
Live Performers Meeting starting in Mexico - featuring a performance by Vlax http://ur1.ca/clxv0 !y02012-12-20T23:19:55+00:00 To: The Dyne Foundation, Public
Franklin G. Mendoza shared by Jaromil at 2012-12-01T00:24:56+00:00 To: Public
Todo el poder de la terminal en tu !Android con ZShaolin http://goo.gl/EwumXFranklin G. Mendoza shared by Jaromil at 2012-12-01T00:24:56+00:00 via web To: Public
Todo el poder de la terminal en tu !Android con ZShaolin http://goo.gl/EwumX2012-11-29T00:19:16+00:00 To: The Tor Project, Inc., Public
2012-11-28T21:24:06+00:00 To: Public
Aren't corporations strict enough about their policy? why does F-Droid wants to ban custom NDKs? http://ur1.ca/bk7i9