James Elian jameselian@identi.ca
I'm a programmer when I find the time, and a web developer by necessity.
manukleart manukleart@pumpdog.me
i am on air trying to do ecomarketing
http://www.manukleart.com ; http://www.theplanetaryclub.com ; http://www.planetary.be ; http://www.floor.cat ; Searching a professional team to develope sustainable non-profit projects baseds in Neoequality and Ecosuficience. Neoequality means there are four parts in the planet: Persons, Nature (animals, plants, enviroments), Workers and Companies, and all of them are equals. Ecosuficience means autoemployment, autogestion, autosuficience in the best ecoway as possible.
Marcelo Nogueira Dutra mndutra@identi.ca
Goiânia, Brazil
Técnico hardware e redes. Tocador violão =. http://manuchelo.blogspot.com
Crosbie Fitch crosbie@identi.ca
Hautacam, France
Cultural Libertarian, Copyright & Patent Abolitionist, Software Engineer - making an ethical incentive: money for art, liberty for people.
Command Line Magic climagic@identi.ca
Cool Unix/Linux Command Line tricks you can use in 140 characters or less.
Bryan Bishop drtelnet@identi.ca
Boies, United States
Børge A. Roum forteller@identi.ca
Oslo sentrum, Norway
I'm a leftie, freegan, FLOSS & web 2.0 enthusiast. Climate change is the worst threat humanity has been up against. Why don't we fix it?
michelenlared michelenlared@identi.ca
Gūshdūn, Iran
/ Open Source / backgammon - tennis player / User Android - HTC - / gnu/linux # 498226 - Linux machine # 409830 /