James Bernard jamesthedisciple@identi.ca

Christian, married, working, happy


  • Linux Australia linuxaustralia@identi.ca

    Doomadgee, Australia

    Peak body for Linux User Groups (LUGs) around Australia, and represents a community of around 5000 #linux and #opensource users.

  • George Anastasiou ghostblader@identi.ca

    Vatera, Greece

    Error 404 - Could not find a clever enough bio, please come back later :)

  • Ryan C crimperman@identi.ca

    Uk, Russia

    Christian, Freedom, Free software, Spurs - all part of who I am. Actor? - Absolutely not!

  • Chris Watkins chriswaterguy@identi.ca

    Melbourne, Australia

    Director of the Appropedia Foundation (I also manage @appropedia): knowledge sharing for sustainability & development.

  • Kev Macphail kevie@identi.ca

    Lewis, United Kingdom

    A lewis man, proud dad, Christian, Linux user, podcaster (CCJam, Crivins, TuxJam), Bluenose & (N.O) Saints fan, Married to @lochiesangel

  • Philip Newborough corenominal@identi.ca

    Lincoln, United Kingdom

    The bodger of CrunchBang Linux. Interested in all things to do with code, design, GNU/Linux, faeries, pixies & robots.

  • Kathy Reid kathyreid@identi.ca

    Geelong, Australia

    FOSS advocate, BarCamper, PHP coder, knitter, all round geek.

  • Keith techspotting@identi.ca

    Unix / Linux Sys Admin, Tech blogger (see link above)... I also drink Tea! http://linux-consultancy.com

  • Hezy Amiel hezy@identi.ca

    Ruẖama, Israel

    A physics teacher and a science fan. User of free software, student of interesting things.

  • xsteadfastx xsteadfastx@identi.ca

    Nuremberg, Germany

  • Nandan gotunandan@identi.ca

    Man Utd fan, GNU+Linux user and loving it

  • veganix veganix@identi.ca

    Oslo, Norway

    Sometimes i might be a little funny. But i don't mean to.

  • Paul Gideon Dann giddie@identi.ca

    Birmingham, United Kingdom

    Christian Open-Source Programmer and Tinkerer. I enjoy learning, discovering, creating, and discussing. Especially technology.

  • mrs. stench lstench@identi.ca

    stay at home mom who loves open source