veganix veganix@identi.ca
Oslo, Norway
Sometimes i might be a little funny. But i don't mean to.
2013-07-12T16:16:29Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-07-12T16:11:09Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-07-10T09:31:55+00:00 via mbpidgin To: GNU's Not Unix, What's in your ear?, Public
2013-07-10T09:24:26+00:00 via mbpidgin To: XFCE, Fedora users, BLAG Linux and GNU, GNU Linux-libre project, Public
2013-06-17T23:15:10+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
Yay! Amer tape by Fuck The Facts arrived today, and i'll play it 'til my ears fall off! http://ur1.ca/cn4qd2013-04-07T14:25:14+00:00 To: What's in your ear?, Punk, Hardcore Punk, D I Y, Public
!listening to Perräs Salvajes (aka Wild Dögs) - excellent !hardcore !punk from Madrid http://ur1.ca/daqnq !diypunk2013-04-06T13:59:42+00:00 To: What's in your ear?, Hardcore Punk, D I Y, Public
!listening to Anomie "Discography 1994-97" - fantastic French !hardcore, still better than most. http://ur1.ca/dab13 !diypunkJason Self shared by veganix at 2013-03-11T22:21:45+00:00 To: Public
Version 6 of the !FSF endorsed !Trisquel !GNU !Linux distribution is now available - http://ur1.ca/d1gv8Neemrana Hotels, Steven Kastin, Manu, Mario Niedermayer and 4 others likes this.
Luis A. Morán Morales, Luis A. Morán Morales, Hossein Rayeshman, Hossein Rayeshman and 26 others shared this.
Jason Self shared by veganix at 2013-03-11T22:21:45+00:00 via web To: Public
Version 6 of the !FSF endorsed !Trisquel !GNU !Linux distribution is now available - http://ur1.ca/d1gv8Neemrana Hotels, Steven Kastin, Manu, Mario Niedermayer and 4 others likes this.
Luis A. Morán Morales, Luis A. Morán Morales, Hossein Rayeshman, Hossein Rayeshman and 26 others shared this.
2013-03-04T00:26:03+00:00 To: XFCE, BLAG Linux and GNU, D I Y, Public
Update of the Minor Threat/Sob Story !xfce themes for !blag 180k on riseup: http://ur1.ca/cyhmy !diypunkVladimir shared this.
2013-03-03T00:04:33+00:00 To: What's in your ear?, Hardcore Punk, D I Y, Public
!listening to Punch "An Incomplete History" tape. 25 tracks of classic !hardcore :) http://ur1.ca/cy4tw !diypunk2013-03-02T19:21:58+00:00 To: What's in your ear?, Metal addicts!, Public
!listening to Murderess "The Gate" tape. Call it !metal, crust or d-beat, it kicks arse either way! Get their 1st also: http://ur1.ca/cy33tdsc likes this.
2013-02-23T11:51:24+00:00 To: Anarchism, Socialism, Public
Get organised: http://ur1.ca/cvrwd Legal bits are UK-specific, but excellent guide for getting things sorted !anarchism !socialism2013-02-17T13:42:52+00:00 To: What's in your ear?, Public
!listening to Lisa Germano "No Elephants". As demanding as it is beautiful, but when was ever something easy worth loving?2013-02-14T00:02:17+00:00 To: Public
Fuck The Facts shirt and "Disgorge" dvd (#462 of 500, so get it soon!) came with a free MDF 2010 dvd! Generous band, which is no surprise:)2013-02-02T20:46:11+00:00 To: BLAG Linux and GNU, Public
little guys icon set updated for !blag 180k - xfce and mate: http://ur1.ca/6016kShow all 11 repliesDon't worry, is just that I too left open that possibility, and that's not the reason to use blag. We all must keep an eye on blag.2013-01-29T00:58:44+00:00 To: What's in your ear?, Public
!listening to Fuck The Facts "Collection of Splits" - 68 tracks, and not a bad one:) i'll go deaf, but deserve it! http://ur1.ca/cn4qd