
JanKusanagi at

KDE Announces Plasma Workspaces, Applications and Platform 4.11

KDE is delighted to announce its latest set of releases, providing major updates to KDE Plasma Workspaces, KDE Applications, and the KDE Platform. Version 4.11.0 provides many new features, along with improved stability and performance. Find out more about 4.11's improvements in our visual feature guide.



Vesalia Computer, Guichu, jpope, Filipe Saraiva and 1 others likes this.

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¡Bien! Nuevas mejoras, me alegro. Personalmente no me gusta KDE, pero bueno, sé que avanza y me alegro. Prefiero Gnome :)

CUENTA NO ACTIVA at 2013-08-14T19:08:39Z

En su ArchLinux habitual en ya mismo :D (testing)

Rebel Jedi at 2013-08-14T20:38:38Z