Pieter Jansegers

Pieter Jansegers at

**TP compounds / nimi wan lon toki pona**

akesi suli : big reptile, especially dragon; dinosaur

ike lukin : bad to see, ugly

ilo kipisi : cutting tool, especially scissors; knife ; ax
ilo moku : eating tool, especially spoon, fork, knife
ilo nanpa : number tool, especially calculator
ilo sitelen : writing tool, especially pen; pencil
ilo sona : knowledge machine, especially computer
ilo suno : light tool, especially flashlight
ilo toki : talking tool, especially cellphone
ilo utala : fighting tool, especially weapon

jan ike : bad person, especially enemy
jan lawa : leading person, especially chief, leader; king, president
jan lili : little person, especially child ; dwarf, imp
jan pakala : broken person, especially victim
jan pona : good person, especially friend
jan sama : brother, sister, sibling
jan sewi : high person, especially god
jan sona : knowledge person, especially teacher
jan sitelen : writing person, especially writer; painting person, especially painter
jan suli : big person, especially adult ; giant
jan utala : fighting person, especially soldier, warrior

kalama musi : fun/artistic sound, especially music

kama jo : come to have, especially get, receive
kama sona : come to known, especially learn

kasi anpa : low plant, especially grass
kasi kule: colourful plant, especially flower
kasi suli : big plant, especially tree
kasi wawa : strong plant, especially spices

kulupu jan : personal group, especially tribe, clan; club, community
kulupu mama : parental group, especially family
kulupu lawa : leading group, especially government

len lawa : head cloth, especially hat
len noka : foot cloth, especially shoes; leg cloth, especially trousers
len olin : love cloth, especially lingerie

lape kalama : sleap noisely/loudly, especially snore

lipu tomo : homepage
lipu sitelen : writing document, especially letter, article

ma kasi : plant land, especially garden
ma lili : little land, especially state, province, länder
ma tomo : house land, especially town
ma tomo lili : little house land, especially village
ma tomo suli : big house land, especially city

mama meli : female parent, mother
mama mije : male parent, father

pana e sona : to give knowledge, to teach

poki kalama : sound box, especially radio
poki sitelen : image box, especially television

pona lukin : good to see, beautiful

sike tu : two wheels, especially bicycle

sitelen tawa : moving pictures, especially movie
sitelen ma : land drawing, especially map

suna lili : little lights, especially stars

supa lape : sleeping surface, especially bed
supa moku : eating surface, especially table
supa monsi : butt surface, especially chair
supa pali : working surface, especially desk
supa sitelen : writing surface, especially desk

tawa musi : go funnily/artisticly , especially to dance
tawa weka : go away, run away

telo linja : line water, especially river
telo nasa : crazy water, especially alcohol, wine, bear
telo pimeja seli : warm dark water, especially coffee
telo suli : big water, especially sea, ocean

tenpo kama : coming time, future
tenpo pimeja : dark time, especially night
tenpo pini : finished time, especially past
tenpo sike : year
tenpo sike suno : time around the sun, especially birthday
tenpo suno : light time, day

tomo mani : money house, especially bank
tomo moku : eating house, especially restaurant
tomo tawa : moving indoor place, especially car
tomo telo : water room, especially bathroom

unpa lukin : sexy to see, sexy looking

waso nasa : stupid bird, especially duck
waso wawa : strong bird, especially eagle

wile moku : want to eat, be hungry
wile sona : want to know, especially ask
