Pieter Jansegers

Pieter Jansegers at

THE GSL DEFINITIONS AND EXAMPLES ANALYSED VIA THE GSL ANALYZER1 - 1000: a ability able about above accept accepted accord accordance accorded according accordingly account accounts across act acted acting action actions active activities activity actor actors actress acts actual actually add added adding addition additional address addressing adds admission admit admits admitted admitting adopt adopted advance advanced advances advantage advantages adventure adventures affair affairs after afterwards again against age aged agencies agency agent agents ages ago agree agreeable agreed agreement air all allow allowance allowances allowed almost alone along already also although always am among amongst amount amounts an ancient and animal animals another answer answered answering any anybody anyhow anyone anything anywhere appear appearance appearances appeared appears applicable application applied apply appointed appointment april are aren arise arising arm armed armies arms army arose around arrival arrive arrived art article articles artist artistic arts as ask asked asking asks associate associated association at attack attacked attacking attacks attempt attempted attempts august average away b back backed background backwards bad badly ball bank bar barred base based basis battle be bear bearing bearings bears beautiful beautifully beauty became because become becomes becoming bed bedroom beds been before began begin beginners beginning begins begun behind being beings belief beliefs believe believed believing belong belonging belongings belongs below beneath beside besides best better between beyond big bigger biggest bill bird birds black blew blood blow blowing blown blows blue board boarding boat boats bodies bodily body book books bore born both bought box boy boys branch branched branches branching bread breadth break breakage bridge bridges bright brightest bring broad broke broken brother brothers build building buildings built burn burned burning burns burnt business businesses businessman but buy buying by c call called calling calls came can canned cannot capital car care cared careful carefully careless carelessly cares carried carries carry carrying cars case cases castle catch catching caught cause caused causes causing central centre centred certain certainly certainty chance chanced chances change changed changes character characters charge charged charges chief chiefly child childhood children choice choose chosen church circle circular cities city claim claims class classes classification classify clear cleared clearing clearly close closed closely closer closes closing cloud clouds coal coin coins cold colder colds college colonial colonies colonize colony colour coloured colouring colours come comes coming command commanded commands committee common commons companies company complete completely completion concern concerned concerning concerns condition conditional conditions consider consideration considerations considered considering contain contained container containers containing contains content contented continuance continue continued continues continuing control controlled controller controlling corn cost costs cotton could couldn council count counting countries country counts course courses court cover covered covering cried cries cross crossed crosses crossing crowd crowded crowds crown crowned crowning cry crying current cut cuts cutting d daily danger dangerous dangers dark darkness date dates daughter day daylight days dead deal dealer dealing dealings deals dear death deaths decide decided deciding decision declaration declare declared deep deeply defeat defeated degree degrees demand demanded demands department depend depends depth describe described description descriptive desert deserted desire desired desires destroy destroyed destruction detail detailed details determination determine determined determines develop developed development developments develops did didn die died difference differences different difficult difficulties difficulty direct directed direction directions directly director directors directs disadvantages disagree disagreement discover discovered discoveries discovery dislike disliked displeasure distance distant distinguish distinguishable distinguished distinguishing district divide divided divides dividing division do doctor doctors does doesn dog dogs doing don done door doors doubt doubtful doubts down dr drank draw drawing drawn draws dream dreamed dreaming dreams dreamt dress dressed dresses dressing drew dried dries drink drinking drinks drive driven driver drives driving drop dropped dropping drops drove drunk dry dryer due duties duty dying e each ear earlier earliest early ears earth earthquake easily east easy eat eaten eating eats effect effective effectiveness effects efficiency effort efforts egg eggs eight eighteenth either elect elected election eleventh else empire empires employ employed employee employment employs end ended ending ends enemies enemy english enjoy enough enter entered entering entrance equal equality equally equals escape escaped escaping even evening evenly event events ever every everybody everyone everything everywhere example except exception exceptional exceptions exchange exercise exercised exercises exist existed existence existing expect expectation expectations expected expecting expense expenses expensive experience experienced experiences experiment experimenting experiments explain explained explaining explains explanation explanations express expressed expressing expression expressions extend extended extending extends extension extensive extensively extent eye eyes f face faced faces facing fact factory facts fail failed failing failure failures fair fairly fairness faith faithful faithfully fall fallen falling falls familiar familiarity families family famous far farm farmer farming farther fast father fathers favour favourable favourably favoured favourite favours fear fearful feel feeling feelings feels fell fellow fellows felt few field fields fifteen fifth fifty fight fighter fighting figure figures fill filled filling find finding finds fine finely finest finish finished finishing fire fired firing first fish fished fisherman fishing fit fitness fits fitted fitter fittest fitting five fix fixed fixing flew flies flight floor flow flowed flower flowers flowing flows fly flying follow followed follower followers following follows food foods for force forced forces foreign forest forget forgets forgot forgotten form formed former forming forms forth fortunate fortune fortunes found four fourteen free freedom freely fresh friday fridays friend friendly friends friendship from front full fullest fully furnish furnished furniture further furthest future g gain gained gaining gains game games garden gardener gardens gas gate gather gathered gathering gave general generally gentle gentleman gentlemen gently get gets getting gift gifts girl girls give given gives giving glad glass glasses go god goddess goes going gold golden gone good goodbye goodness got great greater greatest greatly green grew ground grounds group grow growing grown grows growth h had hadn half halves hand handed handful hands handwriting hang hanged hanging happen happened happening happens happiest happily happiness happy hard harden harder hardest hardly has hasn have haven having he head headed heading heads hear heard hearer hearing heart hearts heat heated heating heaven heavenly heavens heavily heavy held help helped helper helpful helping helps her here herself high higher highest highly hill hills him himself his history hold holding holds home homes honour honourable hope hoped hopeful hopeless hopes horse horses hot hour hours house houses how however human hundred hung husband i idea ideas if ill illness importance important impossible improper in inch inches include included includes including inclusive increase increased increasing indeed independence independent indeterminate indirect indoors industrial industries industry influence influenced influences inner instead interest interested interesting interests into introduce introduced introducing introduction introductory iron is isn it its itself j jan january join joint jointed jointly joints joy joyful joys judge judged judgement judgements judging judgment july just justice justly keep keeping keeps kept kill killed killing kind kindly kindness kinds king kingdom knew know knowing knowledge known knows lack lacking lacks ladies lady laid lake lakes land landing lands language languages large largely largest last lasted lasting lasts late lately later latest latter laugh laughed laughing laughter law lawful laws lawyer lawyers lay lead leader leaders leadership leading leads learn learned learning least leave leaves led left length less lessen lessened lessening lesser let lets letter letters level liar lie lies life lift lifted light lighted lighting lightly lights like likely liking limit limitation limitations limited limiting limits line lined lines lining lip lips listen listened lit literary literature little live lived lively lives living ll local long longer look looked looking looks lord lords lordship lose losing loss losses lost love loved lovely lover loves loving low lower lowered lowest lying m machine machinery machines made main mainly make maker makers makes making man manner manners manufacture manufactured manufacturing many march marched mark marked market marking marks marriage married marry mass masses master masters material materials matter matters may me mean meaning meanings means meant measure measured measurement measures measuring meet meeting meets member membership memories memory men mention mentioned mere merely merest met metal metals mid middle midnight midst might mile miles milk milky mind minded mine mines mining minister ministers minute minutes miss missed missing modern moment monday money month months moon moonlight moral morally morals more moreover morning most mostly mother motor mountain mountains mouth mouths move moved movement movements moves moving mr mrs mt much music musical musician musicians must my myself n name named namely names nation national nations native natural naturally nature near nearer nearest nearly nearness necessarily necessary necessities necessity need needed needing needless needn needs neighbourhood neighbours neither never new newer newly news newspaper next night nine no nobility noble nobles nobly nobody none nor north northern not note noted notes nothing notice noticed now nowadays nowhere number numbered numbers numerous o object objection observation observations observe observed observer occasion occasional occasionally occasions of off offer offering offers office officer officers official often oh oil oiled oils oily old older on once one ones only onto open opening opens operate operating operation operations operative opinion opinions opportunities opportunity or order ordered orderly orders ordinary organisation organised organization organize organized other others otherwise ought oughtn our ours ourselves out outer outlook outside outward outwards over owe owed owing own owned owner ownership owns p page pages paid paint painted painter painting paper papers part parted partial particular particularly parting partly partner parts party pass passed passing past pay payment payments pays peace people peoples per perhaps permission permit permits permitted person personal personally persons picture pictured pictures picturing piece pieces place placed places plain plainly plains plan planning plans plant planting plants play played player playing pleasant pleasantly please pleased pleasing pleasure point pointed pointing points political politics poor poorer poorest popular popularity population position possess possessed possession possessions possibility possible possibly post posted poster pound pounds poverty power powers preparation preparations prepare prepared presence present presentation presented presents president press pressed presses pressing pressure pretty prevent prevention price prices private privately problem problems produce produced produces producing product production productive products profit profited profits progress progressed progressing progressive promise promised promises promising proof proofs proper properly property proposal proposals propose proposed protect protection prove proved proves provide provided providing provision public publicly pull pulled pulling purpose put puts putting qualities quality quantities quantity quarter quarterly quarters queen question questions quite r race races racing raise raised raising ran rang rank ranks rate rated rates rather re reach reached reaches reaching read readers reading ready real reality realize really reason reasonable reasonably reasoning reasons receipt receipts receive received receiving recent recently recognition recognize recognized reconsider record records red reduce reduced reduction refusal refuse refused refusing regard regarding regardless regards relate related relation relations relationship relative relatives religious remain remaining remains remark remarked remarks remember remembered replied reply report reported reporter reports representation representative represented represents republic reserve reserved reserves respect respectable respected respectful respecting respects rest rested resting rests result resulted resulting results retell retelling return returned returns rich riches richest ride rider riding right rightly rights ring ringed ringing rings rise rises rising river rivers road roads rock rocking rocks roll rolled roller rolling rolls room rooms rose rough roughly roughness round roundabout rounds royal royally royalty rule ruled ruler rules ruling run running runs s safe safely safety said sail sailed sailing sailor sails sale sales salt same sang sat saturday save saved saving savings saw say saying says scarce scarcely scene scenery scenes school schooling schools science sciences scientific scientifically scientists sea seaman seas seaside season seasons seat seated seats second seconds secrecy secret secretary see seeing seem seemed seeming seems seen sees sell seller sellers selling sells send sending sends sense senses sensible sensitive sent separate separated separately separates separation september serious seriously servant servants serve served service services serving set sets setting settle settled settlement seven several shadow shadows shake shall shan shape shaped shapeless share shared shares she shine shines shining ship shipping ships shone shook shoot shooting shore short shorten shortly shot should shoulder shoulders shouldn show showed showing shown shows side sides sight sights sign signature signing signs silence silenced silent silver simple simply since sing singer singing single sir sister sit sits sitting situation situations six sixteen sixty size sized skies sky sleep sleeping sleeps sleepy slept small smaller smallest smile smiling snow snowing so social socially society soft softer sold soldier soldiers some somebody somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhere son song soon sooner sort sorted sorts soul souls sound sounded sounds south southern space spaces speak speaker speaking special specialized specially speech speeches speed spend spends spent spirit spirits spite spoke spoken spot spots spotted sprang spread spreading spring springing square stage stages stand standard standards standing stands star stars start started starting state stated statement statements states station stay stayed staying steel step stepped steps still stock stone stones stony stood stop stopped stopping stops store stored stores stories story strange strangely stranger strangest stream streamed streams street streets strength strike strikes striking stroke strong strongly struck struggle students studied studies study studying subject subjected subjects substance substances succeed succeeded success successful such suffer suffered suffering suggest suggestion suggestions summer sun sunlight sunshine supplied supplies supply support supported supporting supports suppose supposed supposing sure surely surface surfaces surprise surprised surrounded surrounding sweet sweets sword system t table tables take taken takes taking talk talked talking talks taught tax taxes teach teacher teachers teaching teachings tear tears tell telling tells temple ten tens term terms test th than that the their theirs them themselves then there therefore these they thing things think thinking thinks third thirty this those though thought thoughts thousand thousands three threes threw through throw throwing thrown thus till time times to today together told tons too took top topped tops torn total touch touched touches touching towards town towns trade trades trading train trained training trains travel travelled travelling travels tree trees trial trials tried tries trouble troubled troubles troublesome true truly trust trusted trusting truth truthful try trying tuesday turn turned turning turns twelve twenty twice two type types typist u unable unarmed unchangeable unchanged uncontrolled uncover under understand understanding understood undesirable unemployed unfair unfinished unfortunate unhappy unimportant union unit unite united units university unknown unless unpleasant unseen unsuccessful until untouched unusual unusually unwilling up upon upside us use used useful usefulness useless uses using usual usually v valley valuable value valued variety various ve very vessel victorious victory view views village virtue visit visited visiting visitor visitors visits voice voices vote voted w wage wages wait waited waiter waiting walk walked walking wall walls want wanted wanting wants war wars was wasn watch watched watching water watering waters wave waved waves waving way ways we wealth wealthy wear wearing wears wednesday week weekly weeks welcome welcomed welcoming well wells went were west western what whatever when whenever where wherever whether which whichever while white who whole wholeness whom why wide widely widening wider width wife wild will willing willingly willingness win wind winding window windows winds winning winter wisdom wise wisely wiser wish wished wishes wishing with within without woman women won wonder wondered wonderful wonders wood wooden woodland woods word words wore work worked worker workers working workman workmen works world worlds worn worth worthless worthy would wouldn wound wounded wounds write writer writers writes writing writings written wrong wrongly wrongs wrote y year years yes yesterday yet yield yielded yielding you young your yours yourself youth1001 - 2000: abroad absence absent absolute absolutely accident accidental accidents accuse accused accustom accustomed ache aches aching admiration advertise advice advise advised adviser aeroplane aeroplanes afford afraid afternoon agricultural agriculture ahead aim aimed aiming aims alike alive aloud altogether ambition ambitions ambitious amuse amused amusement amusements amusing anger angered angle angrily angry annoy annoyed annoying annoys anxiety anxious apart apologetic apology applaud applauded applauding applause apple approval approve approved arch arched argue argues arguing argument arguments arrange arranged arrangement arrangements arrest arrested arrests arrow arrows artificial ash ashamed ashes aside asleep astonished astonishing astonishment attend attendance attended attending attention attract attracted attraction attractions attractive attracts audience autumn avenue avoid avoidance avoiding awake awkward axe baby bag bags baker balance balanced balances band bands barber bare bared barely bargain bargaining barrel basin basket bath bathe bathed bathing bay beak beam beans beard bearded beast beat beaten beating beats beg beggar begging behave behaved behaves behaving behaviour bell bells belt bend bends bent berry bicycle bicycles bind binder binding birth birthday bit bite biting bits bitten bitter blade blame bless blessed blessing blind blinded blinds block blocked boast boasting boasts boil boiled boiler boiling bold bone boned bones border bordered bordering borders borrow borrowed bottle bottom bound boundaries boundary bounded bounds bow bowl bows brain brains brave bravely bravery breakfast breath breathe breathless brick bricks broadcast brown browned browns brush brushes brushing bucket bunch bundle burial buried burst bursting bury bus buses bush bushes busy butter button cage cake cakes calculate calculated calculations calm calmed calmly camp camping camps canal cap cape card cards carriage cart cat cats cattle caution cautious cautiously cave cent centuries century ceremonial ceremonies ceremony chain chains chair chairman chairs chalk charm charmed charming charms cheap cheat cheating cheats check cheer cheered cheerful cheering cheers cheese cheque chest chickens chimney christmas civilisation civilized clay clean cleaned cleaning clerk clever cleverly cleverness cliff climb climbed climbing clock cloth clothes clothing club coarse coat coffee collar collect collected collecting collection collective collector collects comb combination combine combined combines comfort comfortable comforts commerce commercial companion companionship comparative compare compared comparison comparisons compete competed competition complain complaining complains complaint complaints complicated compose composed composition confess confessed confession confidence confident confidently confuse confused confusing confusion congratulate connect connected connecting connection connections conquer conqueror conquest conquests conscience conscious convenience conversation cook cooked cooker cooking cooks cool coolly copied copies copper copy cork corner cornered corners correct correctly correctness cottage courage courageous cousin cow coward cows crack cracked cracks crash crashed cream creature creatures creeping crept crime criminal critic critical crop crops cruel crush crushed crushing cultivate cultivated cultivation cup cupboard cure cured curiosity curious curiously curl curled curse cursed curses curtain curtains curve curved curves cushion cushioned custom customs damage damaged damages damp dance dancing dare dared daring deaf debt debts decay decayed deceive deceived deception decrease decreasing deed deeds defence defend defended delay delayed delicacy delicate delight delighted delightful delights deliver delivery descend descended deserve deserved deserving desk despair despairing devil devils diamond dictionary dig dine dining dinner dip dipped dipping dips dirt dirty disappoint disappointed disappointing disappointment disapprove discipline discomfort discuss discussion discussions disease diseases disgust disgusted dish dishes dishonest dismiss dismissed disturb disturbance disturbed ditch dive dived diving double doubled downstairs dozen dozens drag dragged dragging drawer drawers drown drowned drowning drum dug dull during dust eager earn earned earnest earnestly earning earnings ease edge edged edges educate education educational elastic elder electric electrical electricity elephant empty enclose enclosed encourage encouraged encouragement encourages engine engineer engineers engines enquire enquiry entertain entertained entertainment entire entirely envy especial especially essence essential essentially essentials evil evils exact exactly examination examine examined examiners excellence excellent excess excessive excite excited excitedly excitement exciting excuse excused excuses explode exploded explore explorer exploring explosion explosive extra extraordinary extras extreme fade faded faint fainted false fan fancied fancy fanned fashion fashionable fashions fasten fastener fastens fat fate fats fault faults feast feasting feather feathers feet female fence fencing fever fierce fiercely film finger fingers firm firmly firmness flag flags flame flames flaming flash flashed flashing flat flats flatten flavour flavouring flesh float floated floating flood flooded floods flour fold folded folding folds fond fondest fool fooled fooling foolish foolishly foolishness foot football forbid forbidden forgive forgives fork formal formality formally forward forwards frame freeze freezing frequency frequent fried fright frighten frightened frightful frozen fruit fruits frying fun funeral funny fur furs gaiety gap gay generosity generous generously glorious glory goat govern governed governing government governmental governor grace graced graceful graces gradual grain grammar grand grandfather grandson grass grasses grassy grateful grave grease greed greedy greet greeted greeting grey grind grinding guard guarded guards guess guest guide guided guiding guilt guilty gun guns habit habits habitually hair hairs hairy hall hammer hammered handkerchief handle handles handling harbour harm harmed harmful harvest haste hasten hastily hat hate hated hats hay heal healing heals health healthy heap heaping heaps hello hesitate hesitation hid hidden hide hinder hire hired hit hitting hole holiday holidays holiness hollow holy honest honesty hook hospital host hosts hotel humble humbled humbly hunger hungry hunt hunted hunter hunters hunting hunts hurried hurry hurrying hurt hurts hut huts ice ideal ideals idle idly imagination imagine imagined imitate imitated imitates imitation immediate immediately improve improved improvement improvements impure incorrect incorrectly inform informal information informed informing ink inn inquire inquired inquiries inquiry insect insects inside instant instrument instruments insult insulting insults insurance insure intend intended intention intentions interfere interfered interfering interrupt interrupting invent invented inventing invention invitation invitations invite invited invites inviting inward inwardly irregular island islands jaw jaws jealous jealousy jewel jewels joke jokes joking journey journeyed juice jump jumped jumping key keys kick kicked kicks kiss kissed kisses kitchen knee kneel knees knife knock knocked knot ladder lamp lamps lazy leaf lean leaning leather leg legs lend lent lesson lessons liberties liberty lid limb liquid liquids list load loaded loading loaf loan lock locked lodging lodgings log lonely loose loosely loosen lot lots loud loudly loudness loyal loyally loyalty luck lucky lump lumps lunch lung lungs mad madman madness mail male manage managed management manager managing map mat match matched matches meal meals meanwhile meat mechanical mechanics medicine medicines melt melted melting mend mended mending merchant mercy merry message messenger mild mill mineral minerals miserable mistake mistaken mistakes mix mixed mixing mixture model moderate moderately modest modestly monkey motion mouse mud multiplication multiplied multiply murder murderer mystery nail nails narrow narrowed narrower narrowly neat neck needle neglect neglected nest nested nests net nice nicely noise noisy nonsense noon nose noses noun nouns nuisance nurse nursed nut nuts oar oars obedience obedient obey ocean offend offended omit omitting oppose opposed opposing opposite opposites orange oranges organ organs origin original originality originally ornament ornaments outline overcome pack package packed pad padded pain painful pains pair pairs pale pan parcel parcels pardon parent parents park passage passengers paste path patience patient patriotic pattern paw pearl pearls peculiar peculiarly pen pencil pennies penny perfect perfected perfection perfectly perform performance performances permanent persuade persuasion pet pets photograph photography pick picked pig pile piled piling pin pinch pinched pinches pinching pink pins pint pipe pipes pity plane plaster plate plates plenty plough plural pocket pockets poem poet poetic poetry poison poisoning police policeman polish polished polishes polite politeness pool pot pour poured pouring powder practical practically practice practices practise practised practises practising praise praised praises pray prayer prayers preach preaching precious prefer preference prefers prejudice prejudiced preserve preserved pretence pretended pride prides priest priests print printed printers printing prison prisoner prisoners prisons prize prized prizes probability probable probably procession profession programme prompt pronounced pronounces proud proudest proudly pump punctual punctually punish punished punishment pupil pupils pure push pushed puzzle puzzled qualified qualifies qualifying quarrel quarrelled quarrels quick quickly quiet quietly quietness rabbit radio rail railroad rails railway rain rained raining rains rake rapid rapidly rare rarely raw ray rays razor recommend refer referring reflection reflections reflects refreshed refreshing regret regrets regular regularly rejoice rejoiced relief relieve relieves remedy remind rent rents repair repairs repeat repeated replace replaceable replaced reproduce reproduction reputation request requests rescue rescued resign resignation resigned resist resistance resisted responsibilities responsibility responsible restaurant retire retired retirement retiring revenge review reward rewarded ribbon ribbons rid ripe risk risks risky rival rivalry rivals roar roared roast robber robbers rod roof root rooted roots rope ropes rot rotten rotting row rowing rub rubbed rubber rubbers rubbing rubbish rug ruin ruined ruins rush rushed rushing rust rusted rusting sacred sacrifice sacrifices sad saddle sadness sake salary sample sand sands sandy sank satisfaction satisfactory satisfied satisfy sauce saucer scale scales scatter scattered scattering scent scented scissors scold scolding scorn scorned scrape scraped scratch scratched scratches scratching screen screw screwed search searched searching seed seeds seize seized seldom self selfishness selves sentence sentences severe severely severity sew sewing shade shades shading shallow shame shameful sharp sharply shave shaved shaving sheep sheet sheets shelf shell shelter sheltered shield shilling shillings shirt shock shocked shocking shoe shoes shop shopping shops shout shouted shouting shouts shower shut sick sickness signal signalling silk sincere sincerely sink skilful skilfully skill skilled skin skins skirt slide sliding slight slightest slightly slip slipped slips slope slopes sloping slow slowed slowly smell smelling smells smoke smoked smoking smooth smoothly snake snakes soap socks soil soiled solemn solemnly solid solidly solids solve sore sorry soup sour sow sowing spare spared spell spelling spill spin spinning splendid split splitting spoil sport sporting sports staff stain stains stairs stamp stamped stamps steadily steady steal stealing steam steamed steaming steep steer steering stem stick sticking sticks stiff sting stinging stir stirring stole stolen stomach storm storms stove straight strap straw stretch stretched stretches strict strictly string strings strip stripe stuck stuff stung suck sucks sudden suddenly sugar suit suitable suits sunk supper suspect suspected suspicion swallow swallowed swear swearing sweat sweep sweeping swell swelled swelling swells swept swim swimming swims swing swinging swings swollen sworn swung sympathy tail tall taller tap taste tastes tasting taxi tea teeth telegraph telephone telephoned temper temperature tempt tempted tempting tend tendency tender tends tent tents terrible terribly thank thanked thankful thanks theatre theatrical thick thief thieves thin thirst thorough thread threads threat threatened threatening threatens throat thumb thunder ticket tide tides tidy tie tied ties tight tightly tin tip tips tire tired tires tiring title titles tobacco toe toes tomorrow tongue tongues tonight tool tools tooth tough tour touring tourist tower towering toy toys track translate translation trap trapped trapping treasure treasures treat treated treatment treats tribe tribes trick tricks trip trunk tube tune twist twisted twists ugly umbrella uncles uncomfortable unconscious unconsciously undamaged uneasy universal unlucky unsuitable upper upright upset upstairs upward upwards urge urged urging vain veil veiled verb verbs verse violence violent violently voyage waist wake waking wander wandering warm warmly warmth warn warning wash washed washing waste wasted wax weak weapon weapons weather weed weigh weighed weighing weighs weight weights wet wheat wheel wheeled wheels whip whipped whipping whips whisper whispered whistle whistled wicked wine wines wing winged wings wipe wiped wire wires witness witnessed witnesses wool worm worms worried worry worrying worse worship worst wrap wrapped wreck wrecked wrist yard yardsAWL: abnormal abstract academic accessible accuracy accurate accurately achievement acquire acquired adjusting administrative adult affect affected affects alter altered alternative alternatives annual appendix appreciate appreciation approach approached approximately area aspect assembly assist assistance assistant assume assuming assurance assured attach attachment attain attitude attribute author authority authors authorship aware awareness behalf benefit biased bond bonds capable capacity cease challenged channel chapter chemical chemicals circumstances civil clarified clarify clause clauses code collapse commit compensate complementary compound compounds comprehensive concentrated concentration conclusion conclusions conduct conducted confined conforming consent consequence consisting constituency constitution constraining constraint construct construction consult consume consumption contact contract contradiction contrary contrast contribution conventional converse convince convinced core corresponding created credit creditors cycle debate decline defined defining definite demonstrative denoting deny depressed depressing depression derive derived design device dimensions diminution discretion discriminate distinction distinctly distribution distributive document domestic domesticated duration economics edition editor element elements emergence emphasis emphatic emphatically encounter energetic energetically energies energy ensure environment equip equivalent error errors establish established establishment estate estimate eventually evidence evolve excluded excluding exhibit export exposure extract feature features fee file final finally finance financial formula framework function globe goal goals grade grant granted granting guaranteed hence hypothetical identify ignorance illegal image implement implying imposing inadequacy inadequate incidence incidentally inclination inclined inclining income indefinite indicating indication indicative indicator individual individually induce inevitable initiate initiation injured injury inspect inspection inspector instance institution instruction intelligence intelligent intense intensifying intensity intensive intermediate internal interpreted interval intervals invest investigation investment involved irrelevant issue item items job journal journals labour labours layer layers lecture lecturer lectures legal legality liberal liberally licensed likewise location logical maintain majority margin maturity medical mental mentally method methods military minimum minor modify motive motives mutual negative negatives network neutralize normal objective obtain obtained occupation occupied occupy odd odds outcome output partnership passive passively perceive perceived percentage percentages period philosophers philosophy physical physically plus policy portion practitioner preceded preceding precise precisely previous prime principal principle principles process processes professional professionally project projection projections promote promoted promotion proportion prospect prospects publication publishers publishing purchases pursue pursuit quotation quoted range ratio recovered refined rejected relaxation release released relevant reliable reliant reluctant rely remove removing require requirement research reside residence resolve respond restored restrain restrained restraint restraints retain retained retaining reveal reverse revise revision revolution route scheme section security seek seeking select selected selection sequence series sex sexes signify similar similarities similarity site sole solely source specifically statistics stress style submit substitute substituted substitution succession sufficient sum sums survey survivor suspend suspended sustain symbol symbolize symbols tape task tasks team technical temporary tense theoretical theory trace traces transfer transit transition transport trigger ultimately unaccompanied uncultured uniform unreliable unrestrained unrestricted unspecified valid varying vehicle visible vision volumeUWL: biology compulsion exhaust horror magic magnetic oxygen pole superior treaty vocabularyOff-list: aback abashed abbot abdicated abel abode abominable abounding abraham abscess absorb absorber absurdity abundant abuse accent accents accusation acid acidity acking acquaintance acres actuated acute adam adder addicted adhesive adj adjective adjectives adjutant admirer admissions admonish adulterated adv advantageously adverb adverbial adverbially afar affection affirmative afflicted affliction africa african aggressive agitated ah ailment airs alamein alcohol alcoholic aldershot alexander algebraic alice alien alight alimentary alley alliance alloy alms aloes alongside alpha alphabet alphabetical alpine altar altitude aluminium amateur amazed amazement ambassador america american americanism amiability amid ammunition ample amulet anatomical ancestor ancestors anchor angels ankle annals annum ant anterior antique ants apartment apiece appeal appetite apposition apt aptly arbela archaic architecture arithmetic arithmetical armchair armistice armorial armour arteries ascertain aspire aspirin assert assertive assets astronomers astronomy athlete athletic athletics atmosphere attentively auction auctioneer auditory australia avenge await awe axle aye bach backyard bacon balloon banging bankrupt barabbas bark barley barnado barometer baronet barracks barrier barristers batsman battery battleship bearer beauties becket bedded bee beef beer bees beetle believer benedictine benefice bengal beseiged bess bet betters bible bidding bids bin biographies biography biological biscay blair blank bleaching bliss blister bloom blossom blotting blunder blush blushed bodied boisterous bolt bombs bondage booksellers boot boots bored boring borough borrower bother bounden bourbon boxers boxing boyle brake brawl brazil breach breaker breast breasted breeder breeding breeds breeze bride brighton brilliant britain british bronchial bronze brothe brotherhood bubbles buddha buds bugle bull bullet bully burden burma burrow burton butcher cabbage cabbages cable caesar cafe cain caked calcutta calmer campaign campbed canada candidate candidates candle candles cane cannons canter cantonment capita carbon cardboard career carelessness caressingly caretaker cargo carlton carnivores carolina carpenter carpet carved carving cash casings caspian cast casual cathedral causal cavalry cavity cecils ceiling cellar centigrade cereal cerebral cf chap chapel charitable charity charles chaste chastity cheek cheeks chelsea chemistry chess chestnut chin china chinese chocolate choir christ christian churchill churchyard cigar cigarette cigarettes cinema circulars clacton clamber clan clap clapham clapping clarendon cleopatra clergy clerical climate cling cloak clockface clockwork clothed clumsy co coastguard coated cock cockroach coconut cog cogitate coil coinage coined colloquial colloquially colonel column combat comfortableness comic commando communism compact compass compelled competent compilers compress comradeship con concede concert concerto concession concord concur condemned conditioned conductivity confidential confinement conflagration congregation congress conj conjecture conjunction conjuror connective connexion consign console conspire consul contempt contemptible contemptuous contest continent contour convey conviction cookery copiously coronation corot corporal corpse correspondent corrosion costumes counsellor countenance counterpoise counterweight coverings crab crabs craftsmanship crawling credence creed crest crew crib cricket cricketer crimson crisis criticise criticised criticism criticisms cromwell crustaceae crystal cunard cupped cutter cuttings dacca daffodils dagger damped daren dawn dazzle deadly deafening deafens dearest debit decease decent deceptive deck decompose decomposition decorations defect defences defer deficiency deficient degraded delete deliberate democracy democratic demolished denounce dense denunciation deoxidize depart departure depict depot deprivation deprive derby descendant descendants descent designation despatch destination destined destiny detachment detain detained devise devoid diagram dictated didcot diet digestive dignified dilute diluted dim disaster discharge discontinue discontinuous disdain disgrace disguise dishonesty disintegrate disloyal disorder disparaging disposition dispute dissimilarity dissolve distilled distress disuse diversion diversions dividends divine divining divorce dock dodo doer doo doorway dose dotted drain drill droppings drought drunkenness duke dye dyne earl earner earthly earthworkds eater eclipse economise edison editorship edward efficacy effrontery egypt eh elbow elders eldest electro elegant elevate elevated elevation eligible elizabeth elliptic elliptical embarrassing embarrassment ember embroider eminence eminent emit emitting emotion emotional emotionally emotions emotive endearment endeavour enduring enfeebled engaged engagement england englishman englishmen enquiries enslaved enthusiasm enthusiastic entrusting epistle equilibrium equitable er erasing erect err errand erupt esquimaux essay etc ethelred eton europe evading eve everest ex exalted exam exams exclamation exclamations exclamatory excrescence exempt exemption exert exertion exhale exhausted exhibitionist exhortation expanse expectant expel expend expenditure explosives expulsion extenuate extenuating extinction eyeball eyed faculty fahrenheit faintest fairy fake fame fantastic fare fascinate fascism fastidious fatal fatherless fatigue fatter faultfinding faultless faultlessly feat feeble feed feeding feeds feminine fertile fertilizer festival fete fiat fibred fiction fido fiend fig figurative figuratively filter fined fingerprint fireguard fireworks fissure fist fisted flank flannel flatter flattery flea fled fleet flourishing flourmill flowered flowering fluid foe fog folly footed footman footprint footprints ford forecast foresight forgiveness formalin fort fortitude fortnight fountain fracture france frank frankly frankness fraud french frenchman fro frog fronted frontier frost froze frustrate frustration fuel furnace furnisher fusion fuss fussy gage gallery gambling gangway garbo gardening garlic garment garne garter gaseous gauge gear gem generators geneva genius gentleness genuine genuinely geological geometrical geometry george german gesture gestures ghi ghost ghostly ghosts gibraltar giddy gipsies giver globule gloom gloomy glove gloves glowing glue golf goloshes goods goodwill gooseberry governors gown gracefulness graciousness graduated grammatical gramophone grandstand grapes grasp grassland gratitude gratuity gravestone gravity greek greeks greens greta grief grindstone grocer grocery growers grumble guesthouse guinea guineas gulliver gum gunboat gunpowder gymnastic habitation haemorrhage hairdresser hamlet handbill hanger happenings harmony harp harrow harsh haunted hazard headache headmaster hearsay hearted hedge heel heels height heights heir helm hen heraldry heredity heretics hermione hermit hermy hero heroes herring highlands hind hindrance hinge hint hither ho hobby hockey homeward honey honoured honours horizontal horny horseback horsepower horseshoe hostel hostility hounds housefly household housemaid hue huge humbleness humility humour hyperbolic hyphen hypodermic ib icebergs id idleness idol ignite ignition iguana ii iii il ills illuminate illumination immaterial immoral immovable impel imperative imperceptibly impersonal impertient impetuous impolite impolitely impoliteness impress impression impressive imprint imprisoned imprudent impudence impulse inactive inaugurate inborn incise incoming inconvenient increment indebted india indian indians indiarubber indispensable indistinguishable indoor inessential infant infantry infantrymen infection inferior inferiors infinitive inflate inflict influenza informality ing ingenious inhabitant inhale inheritance inject injustice innkeeper innocence innocent inquisitive inquisitively insane insist insistently inspiration inst instinct intact intellect intelligibility inter intercept intermediary interpose interrogative interruption intersect interview intransitive invalid invasion inverse inwards io irate ire ireland irish ironical irritate irritation irving isles islington italian italy ivy jack jam james jane jar jazz jd jesus jill jim john jokingly jolly jones journalistic jug julius junction juncture juror jury jute keen keenly keeper kettle keyboard keyhole keyring keystone kin kingship kingston kite kittens knave knob laborious laboriously labourer lace lag landlord landmark lane langtry lantern lapse latin laundry lawn lawsuit lax lb lbs leak leanings leap leeds legged lens leopard liable liberality libya lieutenant lightning limbed lime limestone linen lion lions liquefy literal literally liver lizard lobsters locksmith lodgers london loom loosened loosens lotion lottery lovers lowers lowness lubricating lug luggage lust luxuriously ly macbeth magazine maggot magnet magnifying magnitude maid mainland maize majesty malaria malarial malaya malediction malignant maltese manchester manifestation mannered manuscript margaret margarine markings marshal marvellous mary mast mate mathematical mathematics mayor measles medal medicinal mediocre mediterranean melody membrane memorandum mender ment meretricious mess mexico midday militia milton mimic mint miracles mirror mirrors mirthful mischief miseries misery misfire misfortune mishandling mislay mission mist mistook mistress mistrust misunderstand misuse modem moi moisture mole moles molest momentum monastery mongolian monks monotony montegomery monument mood morale morden moreton morris mortal mosquito moss motherland motto mound mount mountians mourning mouthed movable mozart mudguard muscles muscular mushrooms mustn mutton naked napoleon narrate narrative nasty naturalized naughty nautical naval navigation navy ne nears negotiate neighbouring nero nerve nervous netted nettle newgate newmarket niagara nilce nitre noblemen noisly nom nominate non norman norway nosed nosmo notifiable nour novel novels novelty numeral nursery nyowa oak oat oath oaths oats obligation obliged obscure obscurity obsolete obstacle obstacles obstructed obstruction oddly offence oft oftenest ohio oiling olympic omen oneself onions onset opera ophelia opposition oppression oration orchestra ore organism orifice originate oscillate ostentatious ounce ounces outfight outplay ove overhead overlook overstatement overtake oxford oysters oz pace pacifists pagan palace pancake parachute parade paradise parasite paris parish parliament parliamentary paroxysm parrot passion passover pastures patients paul pavement pea peak peas peasant pebble pecial peer pegs pence pendulum penicillin pension pensions penury pepper peradventure peremptory perforation performer perfume perfumes peril perils perplexity personified petals petition petrol pheasant philology philosophic photographic phrase phrases physician physics piano pie pigment pill pillar pillars pillow pine pisa pistol piston pitiable pitiless pitman placard plague plainness planet platform playful playfully playhouse plaything plead pleasures plot plum plunder plunge poetical poets politely poppies porcelain port portrait portrayal portugal postage postal postcards postman posture potatoes pottery poultry powde prairie pre precaution precautions precis preface prefume prepayment preposition prepositional prepositions pretences preventive prey prick prince princes printer professor professorship pronoun propellor prophet propitious propos propriety protest proverbial proverbs province provoke proximity prudence prudent psalm pudding puff pulley pullout pulse punctuation puritan puritanical purposively purse pursuers pus pyrexia quack queer quench quest quiescence quinine rag rage raged raid raids railing rainbow rapids rascal rash rashness ratepayer readiness rear rebellion rebuke reception recipe recipient reckon recompense recreation recruit recruits rectify recumbent recuperation reference references reform regiment registry regulars rein reins rejoicings rel relevancy relish rembrandt remembrance remington render rental repayment repent repentant repetition replete reproductive reptile resemblance resembling residue resillant resistant resoluteness resounding resultant retail retailer retaliation retreat revere reverence revert revolt rheumatism rhyme rhythmically ribs ricardus richard ridge ridicule riot robbery robertson robes robinson robinsons rom roman romans rome rood roofed roofing roses rotate rotation rouge routine royalties rubens rugby rumour russia safeguard sahara saints salad salesman saltpetre salute sanity satan sausages savage sayings scandal scandalized scar scarlet scholar scholarship schoolboy scot scotland scottish scoundrel scouts scriptures scrutinise scrutiny sculpture sealing seams seasick seconded seedlings selfridge seniors sensation sensations sensibilities sensual session sever shady shakespeare shameless shamelessly shaven shavings sheaves shed sheriff shipton sholling shopkeeper shoreless shoreward shorthand shotgun shouldered shrub shy sided sideways siege siegel sift signpost silly silverware sin sinful singly singular sinner sins sixpence skeleton skittles skull skyscrapers slang slate slaughter sledge slippery sluggish smacked smart smarten smith smiths smuggler snail snatch snowstorm snuff socialist sofa solace solar soldiering solidified soling solitude solomon soot soothing sorrow sorrows sorter spain spaniel spear specialised species specimen specimens spectacle spectacles spinach spiral splendour spoilt sprinkle spy squad squared squire st stair staircase stake stale stall stammer stammering stanley starchy starving stationed statue steamer steamers steamships stereo stern stewardship stimulate stimulus stipulation stitch stoop stoops stoppage stopper storage stormy straits stratum strawberries strokes stumbling stylistic sub subdivision subjection subjunctive subscriptions subsist suez sufferer sufferings suggestive suite suitors sulphur sulphuric summon summons sumptuous sunken sunrise sunset superiority superlative superlatives supernatural supervise supervision supporter surgical surgically surrendered surroundings sussex swarming sweden swedish sweeten sweetheart swiftly swinbume swindler switzerland swoon swooning sylvia symmetrical synonym syrup tabulation tackle tact tailed takings tale talker tank tattoo te telegrams telescope temperament tempered temptation tennis tenor tenses terrier territories territory terror testimonial textile thames thanksgiving therefor thermometer thinker thirsty thistles thither thomas threshing throb throne thrust thud tidiness tiger tigers tiles timidly tinned tis tissue toast toffee tolerant tolerate tom tones tongued toothache toothbrush toothpaste torrent tortoise trachea trafalgar traffic traitors tranquility tranquillity transaction transcript transitive transparent trappings traveller traverse trent trespassing trivial trivially trodden troop troops trousers trumpet trumpets trusteeship trustworthy tub tubing tumbling turf turnip tutelage tweny twin typewriter tyrant tyre un unbounded unchangingly uncivilized uncomplaining unconsumed uncontaminated uncooked uncultivated undergarment understatement undetermined undistinguished undisturbed undomesticated undone unemotional unexpectedly unfairness unfavourably unfilled unfixed unfolding unfriendly unhappiness unhealthy uninhabited unintended unintentionally unmarried unmixed unprocessed unprofitable unprovoked unpunished unready unreality unrelated unrivalled unsaid unsubstantial untrained untrue unturned unworthy urgent urgently usage uselessly utmost vacant vague vaguely vagueness valse valve valves vanished variousness vast vegetable vegetables veins venice venture veraciously verdict verification verify vermilion vermin verona versailles vesuvius vibrate viceroy victims victor victoria vigorous villain vinegar violin virgin virginia virulent vivacious vogue volcano vomit vow vows waffle wager waistband warily warmer watchman watchout waterloo watermill weakened weaker weary wedding wedge weep weeping weighty wept westminster whisky willed wilson windmill wineglass winnings wireless wisher wit wither womanly wooded wooed workhouse workings workmanship workout workshop woven wreath wretched wristwatch writ wrought x xmas yawned yds yellow york youthfulness zDefinitions and examples taken from
Extended Version of A General Service List of English Words by Michael West (Longman, 1953) with semantic-field categories added for all entries.
https://web.archive.org/web/20061006172513/http://www.languages.salford.ac.uk/staff/dickins/GSLlist2.xlsanalysed via
#English #GSL #definitions #examples #wordlist #talika_nimi #Inli_pasila