JMCS jchaves@identi.ca
Peibás, Spain
SysAdmin; "Linux guy". Debian user. Libre soft translator. Usually play guitar, uke, accordion (learning), glock... I study German also...
Asqueados Press asqueadospress@identi.ca
No pretendemos contarte nuestra vida, sino ser el miniblog de Asqueados Press (ver página web), noticias breves y más frecuentes.
Adrián Chaves Fernández gallaecio@identi.ca
Torrellano, Spain
Free culture advocate with a focus on Galician, games and documentation, and part of the KDE community.
Miguel Anxo Bouzada mbouzada@identi.ca
Vigo, Spain
Co-developer of distribution for obsolete computers, GALPon MiniNo. Free Software translator into Galician and Spanish.
Proxecto Trasno proxectotrasno@identi.ca
Peibás, Spain
Proxecto de localización de software libre ao galego, traballando dende o 1999