R. J. Jeremy Kozlowski jeremyrjk@identi.ca
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Enthusiast for free software, vegan food and animal rights. Favorite projects are Debian, Thunderbird, ogg, flac, Gnome Office.
Maria Chiara Pievatolo at 2012-04-03T14:33:51+00:00
RT @creativecommons: Polish gov't funds creation of open textbooks under !CC BY - @ccpolska reports: http://bit.ly/HTTTV0 /cc @rysiekR. J. Jeremy Kozlowski, Evan Prodromou likes this.
Richard Stallman Political Notes at 2012-03-26T02:22:32+00:00
Farm Animals http://ur1.ca/8t232R. J. Jeremy Kozlowski likes this.
Pablo Bachi Varisco at 2012-03-25T22:30:24+00:00
10 Funny And Useless !Linux Command http://goo.gl/gIu89 Nice!R. J. Jeremy Kozlowski, AG likes this.
Poll: If you are free to choose your favourite mobile OS, which one will you choose? !android !linux http://identi.ca/url/68160800
identicats at 2012-03-19T16:11:52+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, R. J. Jeremy Kozlowski likes this.
Amin Nourmohammadi, Amin Nourmohammadi, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes and 8 others shared this.