Jérémie Zimmermann jerezim@identi.ca
Paris, France
Co-founder and spokesperson for citizen advocacy group La Quadrature du Net. Datalover.
vaciatumente vaciatumente@pumpdog.me
Kazhnuz (Antoine) Kazhnuz@pumprock.net
Somewhere in the sky~ ♪
Clueless Uke Neutral Good - Loves Hug - Ultimate Procrastinator - LGBT+ - GNU/Linux and GNOME user
Yannick Delbecque zigong@identi.ca
Montreal, Canada
Enseignant mathématiques, cégep St-Laurent Ph.D. Computer science, McGill University http://yannick.delbecque.org
Maria Chiara Pievatolo minimacademica@identi.ca
Pisa, Italy
Open access scholar trying to free Kant and Plato studies from copyright in a country doomed to repeat the same old comedy forever and ever.
Anachorete Anachorete@fmrl.me
Für eine linke Strömung fels@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
Initiative, die sich seit 1991 mit der Weiterentwicklung linksradikaler Politik beschäftigt.
Bruno Miguel brunomiguel@identi.ca
Coimbra, Portugal
Free software evangelist; editorial coordinator in a portuguese free software blog; music lover.
Christophe Monniez dfence@identi.ca
Eghezée, Belgium
Passionné de logiciels libres et de liberté en général. Préférence noyau Linux et distribution Debian. Ma vie de famille est ma priorité.
Xavier Raffin xavierraffin@identi.ca
Toulouse, France
Passionné de logiciel libre, Linux, OpenStreetMap, ... http://xavierraffin.com
fear_no_art fearnoart@identi.ca
#libriste #hacker #autohébergement #antipub #osm #privacy #opendata #p2p #veille
Luis R. Rodriguez mcgrof@identi.ca
Chinatown, United States
http://www.do-not-panic.com/ Costarican Linux hacker, free culture activist, tennis, jog, snowboard fiend, San Francisco earthling, puto
darkbaboon darkbaboon@identi.ca
Rennes, France
Je crains les requins, les météores et les sabres lasers.