Jesmy C jesmy@identi.ca
Setul, Guatemala
Diseñadora gráfica, entusiasta de la web, interesada en aprender sobre las nuevas tendencias del mundo web.
Fredy Diaz framdite@identi.ca
Setul, Guatemala
Hola, me gusta mucho #Linux, Curioso, amigable no me importa la tu religion me importa tu amistad
Sonia Liliana Cruz mujerforestal@identi.ca
Bogotá, Colombia
Desde la @FCBosque promuevo la participación activa de la mujer en el uso de tecnologías de software libre.
wilson cortez wilsonrk@identi.ca
Silvia Sugasti n3bulosa@identi.ca
Santa Ana, Costa Rica
Geek at heart, linux lover,autodidact, blogger, photographer and DIY enthusiast, crocheter, proud mom,@zurecia owner
Fernando Antonio Mejia Chavez feranto@identi.ca
Las Condes, Chile
Ingeniero en sistemas en progreso, entusiasta de FLOSS, vision de computadoras, realidad aumentada, desarrollo en móviles/web
Byron Chamann chaman@identi.ca
Renata Avila avilarenata@identi.ca
Renata Avila, (Guatemalan), International Human Rights and Technology Lawyer and author, Co-founder of the Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms. She is an Advisory Board member for Creative Commons. She also serves as a Global Trustee of the Think Tank Digital Future Society and a Council Member of the Progressive International. Currently, she is about to launch a global effort to democratise knowledge.
Mario Batres shakamca@identi.ca
Setul, Guatemala
Java Developer, C# Developer, Slackware User, Web Developer.