lupyxe lupyxe@identi.ca
OpenBSD sysadmin & discloser. Writer (mostly cyberpunk & dystopia). Aspie. Autodidact. Humble. Philanthropist. Follow me at your own risk.
2013-08-11T15:26:55Z via Puma To: Public
you are sleepless when you want tons of intravenous caffeine
2013-08-11T12:20:04Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
I just updated my bio to fit my current situation2013-08-11T10:44:19Z via Puma To: Public
Good morning !identiverse !tzag :D
Evan Prodromou likes this.
2013-08-11T10:38:31Z via Puma To: Public
/bin/troll: New people are unwelcome. Please do not get involve - I can confirm this
2013-08-07T18:03:43Z via Puma To: Public
One silly question: how to reply a reply that came from another pump.io outside identi.ca? :S
2013-08-07T17:42:28Z via Puma To: Public
@evan @d1cor for me the one client is Puma (older androids than ICS) but it don't lets me to see any reply to my notices yet
That's interesting. Can you feed back to macno on gitorious? https://gitorious.org/puma-droidEvan Prodromou at 2013-08-07T17:49:33Z
lupyxe likes this.
2013-08-07T16:54:39Z via Puma To: Public
What to do when a community (including leaders) of a project you love reject you without reasson? Damn! >:(
That sounds bad.Evan Prodromou at 2013-08-07T17:31:07Z
lupyxe likes this.
2013-08-07T16:41:44Z via Puma To: Public
Still awating a good pump.io client for Android < 4 ; like 2.2 or 2.3 :-(
Have you tried Puma and Impeller?Evan Prodromou at 2013-08-07T17:18:16Z
Diego Cordoba likes this.
2013-08-07T16:39:46Z via Puma To: Public
Me vs. Delayed Sleep Phase Sindrome - Round 1 - 0:1 - Damn! >:(
2013-07-23T08:45:00Z via Puma To: Public
Back :D
l30bravo, Carlos Sánchez, Luigi Trovato likes this.
2013-07-09T13:53:08+00:00 via mustard To: Coffee, Public
!coffee fuel for allHilton Garcia Fernandes, ghostdancer likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, ghostdancer shared this.
2013-07-08T13:03:10+00:00 via mustard To: Public
you are sleepless when you think that one word you just read is in some foreign language when actually being in your mother language2013-07-08T07:18:01+00:00 via mustard To: Coffee, Time Zone Appropriate Greetings, Public
2013-07-06T17:15:50+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Cuando la vida es una continua lucha por "conseguir estar bien con quienes me rodean", algo no va bien, ¿verdad?Hilton Garcia Fernandes, lupyxe, soulchainer, Jesús E. Franco Martínez likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes shared this.
2013-07-05T18:03:07+00:00 via mustard To: tioEze, Demuxer blogspot.com, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Pedro Gras, Richard, Jorge Verón Schenone, Diego Cordoba d1cor, victor arjona, Public
@hgfernan @veron @d1cor @demuxer @kefith @hermesgabriel @tioeze @ghostdancer Feliz fin de semana a vosotros tambien! :)Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
Diego Cordoba shared this.
@lupyxe bon jour@lupyxe Cuidado que los fines de semana los carga el diablo ;-)ghostdancer at 2013-07-05T18:09:08+00:00
Hilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
2013-07-05T08:13:54+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Usar la palabra "espectro" cuando puedes decir "grupo" XD2013-07-05T07:19:40+00:00 via mustard To: Time Zone Appropriate Greetings, Public
good !tzag & morning ;)2013-07-03T23:00:14+00:00 via mustard To: Public
nota mental: siempre mirar qué significa algo antes de decir "yo también" XD