Rui Seabra at 2013-06-16T23:20:06+00:00
New blog post: Can you please help #changeBrazil? Garcia Fernandes, Jaime Pereira likes this.
Jaime Pereira shared this.
@ruiseabra Howdy there ? Long time no see. The former link was correct. This one points to a non-existent page. Thanks.Michał Andrzej Woźniak at 2012-07-30T16:19:13+00:00
Installing !Ubuntu on 4 desktops to be used on the #Woodstock Stop Festival on Freedom Stand. Yay. :)Jaime Pereira likes this.
@rysiek !!! why in the world you chose *buntu? With 4 desktops you could have 4 different distros e.g. opensuse, fedora, debian & at 2012-04-05T09:32:40+00:00
!Ubuntu One gains minor yet pleasant color tweaks in Ubuntu 12.04 Pereira likes this.
michelenlared shared this.