Jonathan Dowland jmtd@identi.ca
Bath, United Kingdom
Head of support for school of Computing Science,Newcastle University,UK; also #Debian developer & http://twitter.com/flossuk council member
2013-03-27T14:06:25+00:00 To: Francesca Ciceri, Public
@madamezou …but caveat is non-developers translators, graphic artists and documentation writers etc. not counted as you point out@jmtd yeah, that at least is useful. the real problem it's with the uploaders2013-03-27T14:06:00+00:00 To: Francesca Ciceri, Public
@madamezou I found http://ur1.ca/d0qdm interesting. FWIW, #debian developers can specify their gender at db.debian.org …2010-08-19T12:16:30+00:00 To: John Goerzen, Public
@jgoerzen managed to fit your CSV parser from http://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/using-parsec.html into a tweet: http://bit.ly/9E9QLm2009-04-16T09:06:43+00:00 To: Public
Just playing around with identi.ca