2012-07-23T17:06:30+00:00 in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal To: Debian, GNU's Not Unix, Public
2012-07-19T12:55:06+00:00 in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal To: Jacob Barkdull, Public
@jacobwb Here's a list of search terms: http://ur1.ca/9swzr2012-07-19T12:52:41+00:00 in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal To: Jacob Barkdull, Public
@jacobwb aptitude search ~i~D?exact-name(mono-runtime) # see what installed packages depend on mono2011-08-25T14:36:02+00:00 To: Public
Trying to disable identi.ca XMPP notifications on Beem.2011-08-25T14:32:58+00:00 To: Public
help off2011-08-17T11:32:56+00:00 To: Public
Typical GPL misinterpretation on Beem's website: you are not required to publish modifications you make unless you publish the binaries.2011-08-17T11:28:49+00:00 To: Public
Testing the Beem XMPP client on Android. beem-project.org2011-08-17T15:51:35+00:00 in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal To: Public
So far, #cyanogenmod 7.0.3 on my #ZTE #Blade has been a disappointment. Random crashes and bugs make it unusable.2011-07-29T21:03:46+00:00 in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal To: Public
RFID tags? Do like rms and get some aluminum foil around those cards. A shielded wallet works too.@joaormatos seems so. Though rms doesn't use that method, he refuses credit/debit cards to begin with iirc2011-07-27T17:18:03+00:00 in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal To: Timothy Patishnock, Public
@tmp If you don't add nonfree and contrib to /etc/apt/sources.list, your Debian installation will be 100% FaiF.@joaormatos I don't :) IMO, groups which denounce !Debian for not being !faif do so because they're envious of the success of the project2011-07-26T18:41:13+00:00 in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal To: Public
You could argue there are nonfree pkgs in free pkgs' Recommends. Bad choice of keyword: it just means "can use if available".2011-07-26T15:31:53+00:00 in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal To: HUGO ALBERTO MARTINEZ SIERRA, Public
@gnugo Sure, but if gNewSense works 100% then a default Ubuntu installation would only be pretty much the same.2011-07-26T15:28:12+00:00 in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal To: HUGO ALBERTO MARTINEZ SIERRA, Public
@gnugo Things like hardware firmware, Adobe Flash Player and Nvidia/ATi graphics drivers come to mind.2011-07-26T15:26:22+00:00 in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal To: HUGO ALBERTO MARTINEZ SIERRA, Public
@gnugo Last time I read about it, the only nonfree parts were for the user's convenience and there were no alternatives for them.2011-07-26T15:12:05+00:00 in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal To: HUGO ALBERTO MARTINEZ SIERRA, Public
@gnugo Linux Mint (derivative) is even perceived as better than Ubuntu because they install more nonfree/patented software by default.2011-07-26T15:06:55+00:00 in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal To: HUGO ALBERTO MARTINEZ SIERRA, Public
@gnugo They could exclude the proprietary bits, but it'd make the distro unusable for many people.2011-07-26T15:01:14+00:00 in Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal To: HUGO ALBERTO MARTINEZ SIERRA, Public
@gnugo gnewsense.org/FAQ The parts you are complaining about can not be liberated by Canonical because the problem is upstream.2011-07-26T13:48:33+00:00 To: Debian, Public
!Debian there sure are lots of posts linking to a broken page on debian.org/News around here. Bots anyone?shared by João Ricardo Matos at 2011-07-20T03:28:07+00:00 To: Public
10 days left - help artists collaborate worldwide by supporting Novacut #FOSS video editor http://is.gd/JoeGYO !gnu !linux #kickstartershared by João Ricardo Matos at 2011-07-20T03:28:07+00:00 via web To: Public
10 days left - help artists collaborate worldwide by supporting Novacut #FOSS video editor http://is.gd/JoeGYO !gnu !linux #kickstarter