Tekk Has Moved tekk@identi.ca
Lebanon, United States
moved to tekk dotcom dot ar slash statusnet, so add tekk at tekk dot com dot ar(as in argentina) slash statusnet
2013-06-01T19:30:01+00:00 via web To: Irina Rempt, Public
You can log in now, it's all set. I sent the message last night but seems that you didn't resub(db changes) so you didn't get it.2013-05-31T20:36:29+00:00 via web To: Public
notice to everyone: I need you to resubscribe to me again on tekknet. had to wipe my db and I can't send or receive w/o resubs.2013-05-31T20:25:06+00:00 via web To: Irina Rempt, Public
@irinarempt I'm sorry, but I think you'll need to find a sn account elsewhere. Having some major issues with mine atm.@irinarempt seems that I have it fixed. Can you send me a private dent with your username and a dummy password? Then you can log in.2012-11-09T07:56:06+00:00 via web To: Mr. Oracle, Public
@question@oracle.skilledtests.com in 235 days, how long will identica have been running?2012-09-02T01:17:53+00:00 via web To: Public
temporarily here until I figure out what's wrong with the server. #doctorwho first though2012-08-30T17:52:50+00:00 via web To: Public
okay, I am extremely confused. I'm out of room on /, but df reports only 1.1G used out of 10 O.o #help2012-08-12T16:09:13+00:00 via web To: Public
note that tekk.com.ar has a slight case of being dead at the moment, working on it..2012-03-15T03:54:47+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: Public
Installed gentoo, I now know why gentoo users have such fast systems. you actively plan out everything to avoid wasting time compiling.2012-02-21T07:03:24+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: Public
....oh, this is using identica. no wonder I'm getting extra messages2011-12-23T18:51:01+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: Public
as a side note, I WILL be checking this account and helping people out if they need some while adding federated me2011-12-23T05:19:25+00:00 via web To: speeddefrost, laurelrusswurm, Public
Trying again to move to my own instance, it's preferable if you add http://ur1.ca/6wcb8 ;) @laurelrusswurm @speeddefrostTryin' to figure out how to follow you there, @tekk2011-12-23T16:39:04+00:00 via web To: Public
I also have a new blog, in addition to my instance(http://ur1.ca/6wcb8 and tekk.com.ar/blog, apparopriately enough)2011-12-23T01:01:37+00:00 via web To: Public
Evil murderous robot santa! #futurama2011-12-22T00:22:25+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: Public
why is the icon for the razor de a pizza cutter? #TheWorldMustKnow2011-12-21T21:40:08+00:00 via web To: Public
anyone know of free music that would work well in a top down shooter?(think ikaruga & friends, xevious if you're #old ;D )2011-12-19T07:37:46+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: Firefox, Mozilla related technologies, Public
What I believe Mozilla is afraid of—someone taking Firefox, changing search/adding malware extensions/etc, and distributing as Firefox againThis is strange. I assume that is why they are not included for distribution.Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér at 2011-12-19T08:59:37+00:00
getpersonas is one of those “temporary” sites: http://ur1.ca/6u5nv http://ur1.ca/6u5pa There seems to be personas support @staging server.X11R5 shared by Tekk Has Moved at 2011-12-18T23:54:47+00:00 via api To: Public
@jpope Are you on my debian...Tekk Has Moved, Tekk Has Moved shared this.
X11R5 shared by Tekk Has Moved at 2011-12-18T23:54:47+00:00 via api To: Public
@jpope Are you on my debian...Tekk Has Moved, Tekk Has Moved shared this.
2011-12-18T10:19:38+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: Public
really qutie tired, hoping I can keep awake for the last 40 mins2011-12-18T08:50:20+00:00 via Emacs Identica-mode To: Public
triphasic sleep going well, only 2 hours until I get to nap again!