past my sql gap decades
joeyh at
Last time I used SQL, it was 1998, I was writing web crud that had to use the databases set up by the company's DBA, and I hated it. Things are different now!
Now, I'm doing exploratory coding in preparation for building carefully targeted sql caching code for a git databranch.
I'm using sqlite, whose author I've had some good in-person chats with(!)
I'm using persistent to automatically generate type-safe mappings between my haskell code and the database. This is not an ORM; I luckily skipped entirely over the ORM dark years and right into what is still the future for most people.
After writing one SELECT statement to be sure I remembered how, I'm using the Esqueleto DSL to write queries. This starts blowing your mind when you realize you don't need to tell it the tables to query from; that is inferred from the type of the result of your query.
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