2012-07-19T19:04:20+00:00 To: Public
Fosscon is fast approaching. We're going to have more talks than anticipated thanks to venue expansion. Register today!2010-09-09T11:57:02+00:00 To: nybill, Public
@jonathand82 i checked the WIKI, looks cool! maybe i can get to one some day. but, i am ~6h away. it won't happen this weekend for me. :/@jonathand82 although that one is in driving/train distance! i thought yamatt was making a joke we do about me driving to UK events.2009-12-12T12:34:48+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
@jontheniceguy, heard you mention an events thing on LO. Have you checked out fossevents.org?2009-12-12T12:34:14+00:00 To: Public
we're having a geeknic today!