Jono Bacon jonobacon@identi.ca
Ubuntu Community Manager, Author and Musician. For the gory details, see http://www.jonobacon.org/about/
Mussot valéry mussotvalery@identi.ca
Paris, France
Webmaster de plusieurs magazines en ligne, je souhaite informer les internautes sur : - le code parrainage en ligne - les meilleurs sites de sondage rémunéré - le comparateur d'énergie avec le code parrainage total direct énergie - notre site d'échantillon gratuit a demander et a recevoir, et bien d'autres encore.
Nigel Green mrnigelgreen@identi.ca
MK, United Kingdom
Wannabe Python hacker, open source enthusiast, noisy guitarist, inquisitive sort
lainfinity lainfinity@pumpdog.me
Stephen Sekula steve@hub.polari.us
Sudbury, ON, Canada
Find me over on Mastodon/ActivityPub at @steve@mastodon.cooleysekula.net. Husband; Professor of Physics at Queen's University; Research Group Manager at SNOLAB; dark matter hunter; neutrino watcher; writer and blogger; drummer; programmer; teacher; scientist; traveler; runner; gardener; open-source aficionado.
Jan H Wildeboer jwildeboer@pumpit.info
Munich, Germany
Open Source Evangelist.Open Standards Fundamentalist.Software Patents worst nightmare.Decentralizing whatever exists.Citizen of the first Transnational Republic GPG Key Fingerprint: 1222 D871 BC4D AF82 D55C 46E7 4D83 56FE 59E0 22A
alex-l alex-l@urmf.net
Lecce, Italy
I am a supporter of Free Software, Open Data, copyleft and liquid democracy. I usually use Debian and Arch. I am a lover of Plasma and other KDE software. In particular I love project like Kubuntu, Chakra and Netrunner-OS. I love music, especially classical music, rock, metal, jazz and blues. I am currently studying to become an engineer of music and sound. I'm vegan and I collaborate with other activists to promote an ethical and sustainable consumption and in general for the rights of people and animals. I speak Italian and English. I'm trying to learn Esperanto.
Doug Whitfield daw@microca.st
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
It appears there is no way to put line breaks in the bio. I tried HTML. http://blocsonic.com http://www.musicmanumit.com http://www.netizenfed.org Still on the FLOSS Weekly Contributor email, but taking time off to plan wedding. Nagios Enterprises Employee.
Steven Hamilton mongrol@identi.ca
IT Architect, Buddhist, Crossfit junkie, Free Software advocate and antideveloper of crap games and Dad.
João Patrício jofazepa@identi.ca
Setúbal, Portugal
um gajo espectacular. por dentro e por fora. genialidade integral, simpatia e sex appeal. Irresistível ser humano e fantástico sistema músculo-esquelético. #livros, #filmes, #música, #aikido, #banda-desenhada, #jogos-de-mesa, #software-livre.