2013-06-19T21:59:29+00:00 in Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
Sooon Komafest. Nachtmahr, Alien Vampires and Taktical Sekt tomorrow! http://ur1.ca/edl242013-06-09T00:30:04+00:00 in Berlin, Germany via web To: Public
OpenMP based multithreaded processing available in #mypaint master, testing wanted: http://ur1.ca/e8zj92013-03-28T02:02:13+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Industrial club night and and DJ manages to play Darude-Sandstorm. #failboat2013-03-27T10:45:47+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
This spring is a long time a'coming2013-03-25T00:18:31+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Frank Znort, the institution2013-03-10T19:18:02+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Getting ready to limp off to The 69 Eyes concert. Hoping for a good setlist... http://ur1.ca/d12wc2013-02-15T18:13:19+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Disliked the first taste, but new Riverside is actually very tasty. "I am seen, therefore I am" http://ur1.ca/cthxo2013-02-08T23:11:46+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
First #arduino hands-on. IDE is ugly but doing simple protos is quick and painless. 0 min spent on register hunting in AVR ref. manual. Good2013-02-01T14:13:26+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
New blogpost: Libre Graphics Meeting 2013: We want you - http://www.jonnor.com/2013/02/libre-graphics-meeting-2013-we-want-you/2013-01-18T19:18:11+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Many people drink to forget. Norwegians drink to remember that they too are social and emotional beings.2013-01-10T21:17:57+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach post tutorials on youtube2013-01-04T19:46:04+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Flight and hotel booked for #fosdem !Dr Tony Mork, Dr Tony Mork shared this.
2013-01-02T23:09:43+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Mountainbiking just gets sicker and sicker. Sickest yet? Probably http://ur1.ca/ce13t #mtb2012-12-28T22:44:58+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
You can be all you desire. An honest man - a vicious liar. http://ur1.ca/cbtqz2012-12-21T20:33:37+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Never mix locales in data imported to LibreOffice. Correcting it inside is close to impossible. Why cant I just change the type of a cell?2012-12-15T21:22:45+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
#protip Don't use a 12V adapter for an USB hub. The smoke goes out of your devices and then they die.2012-12-13T20:05:18+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Discovered Fields of the Nephilim through the live album Ceremonies. Great stuff #gothrock http://ur1.ca/c12eg2012-12-09T23:02:00+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
MyPaint project now has a #jenkins server: http://ur1.ca/bxy532012-11-25T22:48:37+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
New blogpost: Improved drawing performance in MyPaint brush engine - http://ur1.ca/belu02012-11-25T14:14:57+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Back in Tønsberg after a very good #Piksel festival and residency. Was greeted with some new research material: http://ur1.ca/bdogs