Jure Repinc (JLP)

KDE releases Plasma 5.1

Jure Repinc (JLP) at

KDE Plasma 5.1 sports a wide variety of improvements, leading to greater stability, better performance and new and improved features. Thanks to the feedback of the community, KDE developers were able to package a large number of fixes and enhancements into this release, among which more complete and higher quality artwork following the new-in-5.0 Breeze style, re-addition of popular features such as the Icon Tasks taskswitcher and improved stability and performance.

Those travelling regularly will enjoy better support for time zones in the panel's clock, while those staying at home a revamped clipboard manager, allowing you to easily get at your past clipboard's content. The Breeze widget style is now also available for Qt4-based applications, leading to greater consistency across applications. The work to support Wayland as display server for Plasma is still ongoing, with improved, but not complete support in 5.1. Changes throughout many default components improve accessibility for visually impaired users by adding support for screenreaders and improved keyboard navigation.

Aside from the visual improvements and the work on features, the focus of this release lies also on stability and performance improvements, with over 180 bugs resolved since 5.0 in the shell alone.

Martin S., Etemenanki, n2t, jjatria and 2 others likes this.

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I'm not really a fan of live boot media as such except for repair work. Further I would like to know why the packages from the OBS repo don't work for me

David "Judah's Shadow" Blue at 2014-10-16T13:09:26Z

turns out, it's and opengl issue. seems the openSUSE packages are built to only use opengl rendering, and the needed version of opengl isn't supported by the virtual box drivers from guest additions.

David "Judah's Shadow" Blue at 2014-10-17T12:27:22Z

if anyone knows of a way to force Assam and KDE 5 apps to use xrender that would be awesome, otherwise I'm going to try a neon iso in virtual box and go back to straight KDE 4 on my main VM so I can actually use it again.

David "Judah's Shadow" Blue at 2014-10-17T16:29:29Z

really auto correct Assam for ssdm? really?

David "Judah's Shadow" Blue at 2014-10-17T16:30:05Z