Juan Rafael Fernández jrfern@identi.ca
Andalusia, Spain
Secondary school teacher, FLOSS doc writer and advocate
2022-11-12T13:13:00Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-07-19T19:27:04Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Transition to pump.io. Let's see2011-06-29T17:11:33+00:00 To: Public
SITPLUS: framework libre que ofrece actividades lúdico-terapéuticas para personas con pluridiscapacidad http://sitplus.crea-si.com/es2011-06-07T12:26:26+00:00 To: Bernat Arlandis, Public
@jrfern Not that I know of.2011-06-04T08:56:20+00:00 To: Public
RD: @hilaire: Dr. Geo release 11.06 http://is.gd/9QDcEh2011-05-19T15:57:35+00:00 To: Public
RD: @karsten: I *knew* it: "Apple Causes Religious Reaction In Brains of Fans" (/.) http://ur1.ca/4801k | :-)2011-05-04T12:49:07+00:00 To: Public
RD: @brenlla: BBC has announced plans to give the public full access to all the corporation's programme archives => http://ur1.ca/42vea2011-04-18T17:21:45+00:00 To: Public
Descubriendo Pology http://techbase.kde.org/Localization/Tools/Pology #free_translation_tools2011-04-17T17:57:50+00:00 To: Public
Free citation management software http://blog.melchua.com/2011/04/13/mels-hunt-for-a-citation-management-system2011-04-15T07:21:00+00:00 To: Torsten Grote, Public
2011-03-31T16:15:34+00:00 To: Public
Fight the JavaScript Trap http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:NoJavaScript2011-03-22T22:49:40+00:00 To: Carolina Flores Hine, xamanu, Public
2011-03-05T17:09:50+00:00 To: Public
Publicado DrGeo 11.03 http://community.ofset.org/index.php/DrGeoChangeLog#DrGeo_11.03_Change_Log2011-01-08T19:56:57+00:00 To: Erkan Yılmaz, Open Educational Resources, Wikiversity, Public
RD: @erkanyilmaz: Jan 15 "Composing #free + open online #educational resources 2011" http://bit.ly/eFNoiI !oer !wikiversity #learn2011-01-08T19:56:01+00:00 To: Public
The organisers of RMLL 2011 have published the call for communications: see http://2011.rmll.info/2010-12-01T22:40:47+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
RD: @gustavojordan: Assange co-founder Wikileaks was part of the project surfraw http://surfraw.alioth.debian.org/ search engine2010-11-22T16:53:13+00:00 To: Agustín Benito Bethencourt, Public
RD: @toscalix: How does Novell's adquisition by Attachmate affects to !LibreOffice? | Is that your only doubt?@jrfern of course not, but is one I would like to have an answer about :-)2010-11-20T18:54:39+00:00 To: Public
!OFSET New version of DrGeo http://community.ofset.org/index.php/DrGeo2010-11-07T18:54:29+00:00 To: Public
RD: @p00k4: Es decir, mañana inicia el Sexto Encuentro en Línea de Educación, Cultura y Software Libres http://edusol.info/ !Edusol 2010