Josh Rickmar jrick@identi.ca
Ann Arbor, United States
I study Computer Engineering at the University of Michigan. OpenBSD user. Colemak typist. ENFJ personality.
Joel Adamson trashbird1240@identi.ca
Carolina, Puerto Rico
http://trashbird1240.wordpress.com Evolutionary Theory student at UNC Chapel Hill; PGP ID: 15DAA784
Mario García H. code933k@identi.ca
Bogotá, Colombia
A free software geek and GNU advocate. Committed to KISS as a standard. Love science, politics, music and arts. But mostly dogs.
Steven Rosenberg passthejoe@identi.ca
Los Angeles, United States
Steven Rosenberg writes about many things. I currently run Fedora Linux on my personal hardware, Windows on my non-personal hardware.
robert reed daly rrdenigma47@identi.ca
Fīsherābād, Iran
Objectivist-leaning blogger,intensely private,
Dr. Steve Morreale drgnu@identi.ca
Heroid Shehu heroid@identi.ca
Gjakovë, Kosovo
Free Software Activist and GLUG Leader, Java Programmer, GNU/Linux User and developer
Tomas Ekeli tomasekeli@identi.ca
Tønsberg, Norway
Developer, and geek. I like shiny things and beer. My time is spent searching for these and with my wonderful wife and children.