2013-07-18T18:25:27Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Now that you're all on pump.io software: if you still want to follow me, please follow leorockway @tekkio.com.ar instead. We want to help establish federation instead of centralization on identi.ca. Now that the migration has been completed I'm back to being active on the free software social network world (or I try to be).Luis A. Guzman shared this.
I got an exception from tekkio.com.ar after entering my Webfinger ID to follow you on that server: Error: HTTP Error 401: Unable to get host-meta or host-meta.json at Function.Credentials.register (/home/pump/pump.io/lib/model/credentials.js:161:23) at next (/home/pump/pump.io/node_modules/step/lib/step.js:51:23) at IncomingMessage.DialbackClient.post (/home/pump/pump.io/node_modules/dialback-client/lib/dialbackclient.js:208:21) at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:126:20) at IncomingMessage._emitEnd (http.js:367:10) at HTTPParser.parserOnMessageComplete [as onMessageComplete] (http.js:149:23) at CleartextStream.socketOnData [as ondata] (http.js:1491:20) at CleartextStream.CryptoStream._push (tls.js:544:27) at SecurePair.cycle (tls.js:898:20) at EncryptedStream.CryptoStream.write(tls.js:285:13)Still getting errors;- Error: HTTP Error 401: Unable to get host-meta or host-meta.json
- at Function.<anonymous> (/home/pump/lib/model/credentials.js:161:23)
- at next (/home/pump/node_modules/step/lib/step.js:51:23)
- at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/pump/node_modules/dialback-client/lib/dialbackclient.js:208:21)
- at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
- at _stream_readable.js:910:16
at process._tickCallback
- (node.js:415:13)
- Error: HTTP Error 401: Unable to get host-meta or host-meta.json
voted for "Arch"
2012-01-28T22:55:56+00:00 via web To: Kete Foy, KDE, Public
voted for "KMail"
2012-01-28T22:55:23+00:00 via web To: Lev Lazinskiy, GNU's Not Unix, Public
voted for "KDE -K Desktop Environment"
2012-01-28T22:54:26+00:00 via web To: a(n) person, GNU's Not Unix, Public
2011-09-12T21:49:31+00:00 via xmpp To: Tekk Has Moved, Public
♻ @leorockway: @tekk: just so the rest of the world knows: besides ddg, core.im is a good XMPP server.@leorockway nice, core.im saves messages while you're off-line. that's great to keep identi.ca logs!2011-09-09T18:32:56+00:00 via xmpp To: Public
@leorockway En vez de llamarlo #ConectarAMaldad, ViaLibre y RMS podrian colaborar desde una posicion constructiva. Bajarse del banquito...2011-09-08T23:41:00+00:00 via xmpp To: Public
I have a new job and I start on Monday. Thanks to all who helped me in my search =]2011-09-02T17:36:28+00:00 via web To: Public
Estuve medio apartado de identi.ca (había desactivado al bot de XMPP), pero ahora lo voy a activar de nuevo.2011-06-28T20:43:28+00:00 via xmpp To: Public
FreeGish has nonfree songs in it (NC and ND). What's the point of making FreeSomething if it won't be free anyway?2011-06-26T23:47:32+00:00 via xmpp To: Nuc134rB0t, Public
@nuc134rb0t: totalmente de acuerdo con @sweet11...y disculpan pero siempre he estado en contra de utilizar este medio para crear amplias conversaciones. Saludos @leorockway @sweet112011-05-18T00:13:28+00:00 via xmpp To: KDE, Public
could Konqueror be changed so it doesn't offer nonfree software? (Flash) !kde@leorockway how does it offer it?2011-05-15T01:25:32+00:00 via xmpp To: Public
@jimmorgan: I couldn't use anything but bitlbee nowadays.2011-05-13T22:17:09+00:00 via xmpp To: Public
Hopefully Canonical will stop recommending and shipping nonfree software to avoid fitting the description of its bug #1.2011-05-11T19:55:38+00:00 via xmpp To: Public
@jimmorgan: From what I've seen, it uses random languages.2011-05-11T02:11:30+00:00 via xmpp To: Public
Has anybody used the Merengue CMS? It looks great! I'd like to know if there are some reviews from you from actual usage http://ur1.ca/452s22011-05-10T16:04:01+00:00 via xmpp To: Public
Qutecom is (or used to be, I haven't tried it in a while) a good free SIP client for those who prefer Qt. It even includes XMPP.2011-05-10T15:52:52+00:00 To: Public
Leo Rockway, Leo Rockway shared this.
2011-05-10T15:52:52+00:00 To: Public
Leo Rockway, Leo Rockway shared this.
2011-05-10T15:52:20+00:00 via xmpp To: Public
@ke5mkt: there's SIP, there's the GNU Free Call project, there's XMPP videoconference, there's Mumble...2011-05-10T15:44:07+00:00 via xmpp To: Public
Am I the only one that thinks MS buying Skype is a good thing? Everything Microsoft touches starts to die, haha.Alvaro Soliverez, Alvaro Soliverez shared this.
@leorockway great to see everyone looking at free alternatives now but sad to this is what it took to get them to do it