Jason Self

Jason Self at

MPEG-LA giving someone "the shakedown." Interesting that they don't go after the Broadway.js project itself. They probably need such projects (including e.g. x264) to remain active so that they can then give those using it the patent shakedown. Seems very messed up. All the more reason to use codecs that don't have this problem.

Douglas Perkins, uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs, Efraim Flashner, lnxwalt@microca.st and 2 others likes this.

uıɐɾ ʞ ʇɐɯɐs, Christopher Allan Webber, lnxwalt@microca.st, lnxwalt@microca.st and 1 others shared this.

I have seen reasoning in places that it's the binary or possibly even just running it that is infringing the patent, and that source redistribution is a-ok. Several projects don't distribute binaries and recommend users or binary distributors to get their own patent license.

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) at 2016-05-14T17:39:42Z

It is not like there was no warning. For a while Mozilla didn't support H264 on the web, just for that reason.

Hubert Figuière at 2016-05-17T01:48:07Z