The Document Foundation shared by ROYER JY at 2012-03-11T09:31:15+00:00 via web To: Public
LibreOffice Conference 2012 will be held in Berlin, Germany: http://wp.me/p1byPE-fG !libo !tdf #liboconROYER JY, ROYER JY, Sander, Sander and 6 others shared this.
The Document Foundation shared by ROYER JY at 2012-03-11T09:31:15+00:00 via web To: Public
LibreOffice Conference 2012 will be held in Berlin, Germany: http://wp.me/p1byPE-fG !libo !tdf #liboconROYER JY, ROYER JY, Sander, Sander and 6 others shared this.
The Document Foundation shared by ROYER JY at 2011-09-26T14:30:29+00:00 via web To: Public
Have you seen our new and improved way of filing bugs for LibreOffice? Made by the community. http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/bug/ !liboThe Document Foundation shared by ROYER JY at 2011-09-26T14:30:29+00:00 via web To: Public
Have you seen our new and improved way of filing bugs for LibreOffice? Made by the community. http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/bug/ !liboThe Document Foundation shared by ROYER JY at 2011-09-26T14:29:35+00:00 via web To: Public
LibreOffice has won the award for the most popular software at the OpenWorld Forum in Paris: http://bit.ly/oYi3t3 !liboAntonio Esposito likes this.
Antonio Esposito, Antonio Esposito, ROYER JY, ROYER JY and 4 others shared this.
The Document Foundation shared by ROYER JY at 2011-09-26T14:29:35+00:00 via web To: Public
LibreOffice has won the award for the most popular software at the OpenWorld Forum in Paris: http://bit.ly/oYi3t3 !liboAntonio Esposito likes this.
Antonio Esposito, Antonio Esposito, ROYER JY, ROYER JY and 4 others shared this.
2011-01-15T11:27:12+00:00 in Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France via web To: Public
Je fais le point pour intervention à biblio du 4e. 5 aldiliens prévus. Devrait être suffisant.2010-11-11T21:02:27+00:00 in Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France via web To: Public
Primevère 2011 : le temps de la préparation. Programme de conférences et stands.2010-11-11T21:00:46+00:00 in Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France via web To: Public
Fin des Jéco : journées de l'économie. L'économie de la connaissance et les biens communs numériques libres : dose homéopathique.2010-10-24T17:09:02+00:00 in Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France via web To: Public
Qui aurait perdu sa montre pendant les JDLL ? Trouvée dans le petit amphithéâtre.2010-10-23T07:01:03+00:00 in Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France via web To: Public
En route pour l'install party à la MPT des Rancy. Journée bien occupée en perspective2010-10-14T20:42:33+00:00 in Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France via web To: Public
Excellent début des JDLL. Demain et samedi, deux riches journées en perspective : http://jdll.org.