Sander sandersch@identi.ca
Uden, Netherlands
Free/opensource fan. People easily offended must not subsribe or @reply to me. Even better just block me; It's for your own good.
2014-10-10T06:53:07Z via Puma To: Public
You can't fix stupid
You can't teach stupid either
Matt Molyneaux likes this.
X11R5 shared this.
2014-08-02T12:53:29Z via Puma To: Public
[Samsung Allegedly Stopped Paying Microsoft Its Android Royalties, Microsoft Responds Predictably (Read: Lawyers)](Samsung Allegedly Stopped Paying Microsoft Its Android Royalties, Microsoft Responds Predictably (Read: Lawyers) http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AndroidPolice/~3/tJZ3UNxjPBU/story01.htm) #extortion they're gonna start breaking kneecaps next
2014-07-24T13:42:36Z via Puma To: Public
I've been in pain now for at least 2 bloody day. It's getting kind of old. At least I like to get another variation of pain.
The headache I have is not bad enough.2014-07-23T12:54:01Z via Puma To: Public
Interessant artikel op tweakers: 'Poetin tekent wet die internetbedrijven verplicht data in Rusland op te slaan' http://twk.rs/nnOA bang voor spionage of bang om niet te kunnen spioneren?
2014-07-23T12:51:21Z via Puma To: Public
On China, Russia, and the downing of MH17 | Opinion | GMA News Online Two more planes shot down in the Ukraine on the day the first victims of flight #mh17 land in Eindhoven. It's a blatant disgrace!
2014-07-23T09:30:37Z via Puma To: Public
Interessant artikel op tweakers: 'Overheidsdiensten VK moeten odf ondersteunen' http://twk.rs/nnOs
2014-07-13T21:38:41Z via Puma To: Public
Germany is world champion football and it has earned it.
Evan Prodromou, Luke, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) likes this.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) shared this.
2014-07-13T21:27:30Z via Puma To: Public
Germany scores after two yellow cards should've been given and would have meant Argentina would play with 10 or 9 player.
Germany deserves to win.2014-07-09T22:55:53Z via Puma To: Public
Thanks for the great tournament Dutch team. Very well done.
X11R5, Evan Prodromou likes this.
2014-07-09T22:51:37Z via Puma To: Public
World cup football. Netherlands - Argentina
Argentina wins with penalties. Netherlands has nothing to be ashamed of. Great tournament for the Dutch team.Evan Prodromou likes this.
2014-07-09T22:50:02Z via Puma To: Public
2014-07-09T21:40:08Z via Puma To: Public
World cup football. Netherlands - Argentina
Netherlands has most ball possession.2014-07-09T20:27:44Z via Puma To: Public
World cup football. Netherlands - Argentina
Cillisen makes Argentine player look silly :-)2014-07-09T20:25:12Z via Puma To: Public
World cup football - Argentina Netherlands
Argentina is doing better and has more possession2014-07-09T20:16:55Z via Puma To: Public
World cup football Netherlands - Argentina
Great free kick Messi, great safe Cillisen.2014-07-09T20:13:53Z via Puma To: Public
World cup football Netherlands - Argentina
Slow start. Both teams are about equal, but the Netherlands has more possession.2014-07-09T19:39:26Z via Puma To: Public
World cup football Netherlands - Argentina
I hope the Netherlands wins