Karl Fogel

Karl Fogel at

Seriously.  South Dakota wants to punish you for "riot boosting".  The law they wrote doesn't bother to define the term.  https://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?File=SB189P.htm&Session=2019&Version=P...  I can't even.  Is freedom of speech still a thing, or did I miss a memo somewhere?
"Is freedom of speech still a thing, or did I miss a memo somewhere?"  No freedom of speech is not a thing.  Yes you missed the memo.  Freedom of speech is a far right/alt-right issue - why are you bringing it up?  Speech is now considered "violence", and thus it's ok to use violence to silence speech.  I'm pretty sure this is well covered in the intersectional handbook!  rtfm

zykotick9 at 2019-04-13T22:54:31Z