Kimme Utsi kimme@identi.ca
Tromsø, Norway
Father for 2 children and an Sami speaking Linux user.
2012-12-02T12:29:18+00:00 in Tromsø, Troms Fylke, Norway To: Public
Vet ikke om det er straff eller meget hyggelig at ex-svigerfar fortsatt tyr til meg når han trenger hjelp med å oppdatere sitt linux system.2012-11-27T06:49:30+00:00 in Tromsø, Troms Fylke, Norway To: Public
Did this with my Linux Mint desktop "Upgrade linux mint in-place using apt" -> http://ur1.ca/bhg4a !linux !mint2012-11-22T01:50:05+00:00 in Tromsø, Troms Fylke, Norway To: Public
From this excellent chart scraped from games released you can see that web-games killed the #Amiga… → http://ur1.ca/b80d7This is the source → http://ur1.ca/b80i22012-11-06T18:26:28+00:00 in Tromsø, Troms Fylke, Norway To: Public
Follow the 2012 US Election here an nice and easy detailed way.. -> http://ur1.ca/atp2k2012-11-02T20:48:40+00:00 in Tromsø, Troms Fylke, Norway To: Børge A. Roum, Public
@forteller Gratulerer med kake. :) Leste nettopp om deg på nettavisen -> http://ur1.ca/arjy0@kimme Takk! Det ble en bra artikkel og noen gode samtaler i kommentarene syns jeg. :)2012-11-02T13:05:47+00:00 in Tromsø, Troms Fylke, Norway To: Public
Listening to: Pearl Jam - DeLuna Festival, Pensacola FL #nowplaying2012-10-01T18:09:32+00:00 in Tromsø, Troms Fylke, Norway To: Public
2012-09-30T11:45:37+00:00 in Tromsø, Troms Fylke, Norway To: Public
Hmmm, the latest nightly CyanogenMod Android image with the Google Apps addon has some serious problems with Google Play not working.2012-08-29T21:51:41+00:00 in Tromsø, Troms Fylke, Norway To: Public
I think I know why #Reddit is down..... -> http://ur1.ca/a23my2012-08-05T01:01:58+00:00 in Lanes, Troms Fylke, Norway To: a(n) person, Public
Share: Hobbit - @I'm reading: Hobbit - J. R. R Tolkien, 1.5% Reading Hours: 0 Reading Speed (w/m): 0 (Moon+ Reader v1.7.1)2012-07-17T09:05:22+00:00 in Åneby, Akershus county, Norway To: Public
Soon off to Oslo Gardermoen and the flight back to Tromsø...voted for "no comment"
2012-07-16T19:45:59+00:00 To: Ubuntu users, Public
2012-07-16T19:05:16+00:00 To: Public
RT @glynmoody Munich mayor says switch to #Linux is much cheaper and has reduced complaints - http://bit.ly/NNXoPS & he should knowKimme Utsi shared this.
2012-07-16T19:05:16+00:00 via mustard To: Public
RT @glynmoody Munich mayor says switch to #Linux is much cheaper and has reduced complaints - http://bit.ly/NNXoPS & he should knowKimme Utsi shared this.
Stav Prodromou shared by Kimme Utsi at 2012-07-16T19:00:33+00:00 To: Public
Kimme Utsi likes this.
Kimme Utsi, Kimme Utsi shared this.
Stav Prodromou shared by Kimme Utsi at 2012-07-16T19:00:33+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Kimme Utsi likes this.
Kimme Utsi, Kimme Utsi shared this.
2012-06-28T19:27:59+00:00 in Slettmo, Troms Fylke, Norway To: Public
Now 'Super Mario' Balotelli has something to say about Germanys claim to the Euro throne. #em2012Trent Partridge likes this.
Trent Partridge, Trent Partridge shared this.
2012-06-27T21:01:31+00:00 in Tomasjorda, Troms Fylke, Norway To: Public
Ingen reelle målsjanser på over en time. Hvorfor ikke bare begynne med steaffespark konken medengang? #nrkem2012-06-27T20:56:08+00:00 in Slettmo, Troms Fylke, Norway To: Public
Man kan vel ikke si at Spania - Portugal kampen er artig. Småspill på midtbanen av SPA og høyt press av POR. #nrkem2012-06-27T19:49:53+00:00 in Skatøra, Troms Fylke, Norway To: Public