Piraten-Mond piratenmond@identi.ca
Erik Moeller eloquence@identi.ca
Jochen Hoff jochen@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
Ich war, ich bin, ich werde sein. Letzteres allerdings biologisch begrenzt. Impressum: http://duckhome.de/tb/pages/impressum.html
Michael Florian Schönitzer derpiratmichi@identi.ca
Munich, Germany
Pirat, Physik-Student, FLOSS- & CC-Aktivist. Flattr me: http://tinyurl.com/flattrmichi
Roan Kattouw catrope@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
MediaWiki developer, bot API maintainer. Am also on http://twitter.com
ᕱᕳใᕲ࿈ ᔕᕈᖇᕱᗯᘂ ᔕᕳᕼᗝᘂᕱᖇ acid@identi.ca
Gūshdūn, Iran
Pinkie Sparkle stands for love against all odds. http://genderpopender.de http://anarchobroni.es #Feminismus #Anarchismus
Tonnerre Lombard tonnerre@identi.ca
NetBSD Security Officer, cryptanalysis end-user and drive-by fixer.
openinformation openinformation@identi.ca
Kalmusweier, Germany
Linguist, Free (as in speech) Software user, Web developer using Django and interested in Python NLTK
Chris Jung chrisjung@identi.ca
Developer, Designer, Blogger, Photographer, Addicted to coffeine
Richard Stallman Political Notes rms@identi.ca
Cambridge, United States
These are automatically posted from my blog. I don't read messages on identi.ca, please email me -- rms@gnu.org instead.
The Pirate Nation thepiratenation@identi.ca
The Pirate Nation is the home of Pirates - the state of the stateless - and the joy of the world.