openinformation openinformation@identi.ca
Kalmusweier, Germany
Linguist, Free (as in speech) Software user, Web developer using Django and interested in Python NLTK
2012-06-02T09:02:27+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Public
had my first contact with UEFI yesterday - ergo: http://ur1.ca/5fg95Martin S. shared by openinformation at 2012-05-02T08:53:39+00:00 via web To: Public
openinformation, openinformation shared this.
@ostfriese Nope, bei #koji haben neuere Version ein fettes Minus in der Spalte build :( /cc @praetoriussMartin S. shared by openinformation at 2012-05-02T08:53:39+00:00 To: Public
openinformation, openinformation shared this.
@ostfriese Nope, bei #koji haben neuere Version ein fettes Minus in der Spalte build :( /cc @praetoriuss2012-04-19T09:48:48+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Public
If you are in Bonn today, visit the transdisciplinary symposium on "Mimicry as communication": http://ur1.ca/91dwy #mimicry #interaction2012-04-19T15:03:40+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Public
cooler Tag :)2012-04-15T22:17:31+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Debian Project, Public
♺ @debian: !Debian Project reelects Stefano Zacchiroli as Project Leader - http://ur1.ca/90es42012-04-12T13:44:48+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Public
Die Freundlichkeit der Mitarbeiter am Telefon ist glücklicherweise negativ proportional zur Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Website2012-04-12T13:07:40+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Public
schon das Finden des richtigen Ansprechpartners auf der Uni-Website erfordert ein Studium... #fail2012-04-05T15:28:25+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Public
so, dann mach ich den Laden auch mal dicht - von wegen an der Uni wird nicht gearbeitet :p2012-04-03T16:08:43+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Public
lol "Every time I fire a linguist, the performance of the speech recognizer goes up" - attributed to Fred Jelinek http://ur1.ca/8wb642012-04-02T10:18:28+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Public
gerade ca. 5 kg Hausarbeiten aus unseren Fächern geholt - es lebe die harte Deadline...2012-04-02T16:56:54+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Public
nice examples of piping small command line programs for quick, basic text analysis #nlpclass2012-04-02T16:17:48+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Public
Finally having some time to get through the lectures of @nlp_class - very enjoyable so far! #nlpclass2012-04-01T08:12:10+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Public
Vater nach Jahren wieder ein Handy. Liegt 90% der Zeit ausgeschaltet in der unteren Schreibtischschublade. #nosurprises2012-03-30T12:49:23+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Public
csv, why u no unicode? #python2012-03-30T11:45:28+00:00 in Cologne/Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany To: Public
vollwertige vegetarische Essensoption auf der #staps - vielen Dank an die Organisatoren!