['kɔmenz] komenz@identi.ca


  • Appropedia.org appropedia@identi.ca

    Global Village, India

    Sharing Knowledge to Build Rich, Sustainable Lives. Practices & technology for green living and effective development. Most posts by Chris.

  • P2P Foundation p2pfoundation@identi.ca

    Observing the impact of peer-to-peer, technology and thought on society.

  • Jaromil jaromil@identi.ca

    Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Developer, media poet, Frank Zappa look alike.

  • Carolina Botero carobotero@identi.ca

    Carolina is a Colombian lawyer working on law and technology, especially IP issues regarding open and free movements.

  • Miguel Said Vieira miguelsvieira@identi.ca

    São Paulo, Brazil

    editor e pesquisador (doutorando na área de bens comuns intelectuais)

  • Beatriz Busaniche beabusaniche@identi.ca

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Activista de Software y Cultura Libre. Wikipedista. Docente de UBA en #fsoc.