Michael Mehrazar kopolee11@identi.ca
A left-wing activist and humanist with political, ethical, & tech interests. GNU social: loadaverage.org/kopolee11
Checking up on an old friend
2014-01-14T22:29:57Z via Dianara To: Public CC: Followers
Well after months away I am finally checking out the post-StatusNet pump.io universe. (I know I am very late. I am not exactly bleading edge)
Right now going to play around with the Dianara interface. Also have a GNU Social account over at kopolee11@loadaverage.org for anyone interested. Would love to see how people mix and use the two. (Maybe even any Diaspora* users)
2013-05-17T02:56:05+00:00 To: Public
Twitter for Google Glass is official and live - http://ur1.ca/dw65c This seems... dangerous.2013-04-17T16:47:23+00:00 To: Public
All of these people are horrible. Public Shaming - http://ur1.ca/df30i2013-04-15T23:30:30+00:00 To: Public
Bombings in Boston (http://is.gd/COFGH7), Mogadishu (http://is.gd/fSy65z), and throughout Iraq (http://is.gd/YKWXVa). What a horrible day.2013-04-06T20:40:16+00:00 To: Public
Cesc & Alexis - 4, Malaga - 0. Unbelievable.2013-03-23T02:56:20+00:00 To: Public
Obama’s Nixonian Precedent http://ur1.ca/d56tn2013-03-15T01:37:15+00:00 To: Public
President Obama, channeling his inner Cheney http://ur1.ca/d2ema2013-03-15T01:32:42+00:00 To: Public
A well written article by Ms. Huffington http://ur1.ca/d2er3shared by Michael Mehrazar at 2013-03-15T01:13:34+00:00 via web To: Public
"Open source jihad" http://ur1.ca/d2edyMichael Mehrazar shared this.
2013-03-15T01:00:06+00:00 To: Public
To bad this won't be voted on. http://ur1.ca/d2ejz2013-03-14T00:04:12+00:00 To: Public
Meet Scott Prouty http://ur1.ca/d240e2013-03-14T00:03:38+00:00 To: Public
The horror! http://is.gd/JWHduX