
Krugor at

True activism at work

Alberto Moshpirit, jrobertson, Olivier Mehani, Michael (majeSTYX) likes this.

Olivier Mehani, idoric, Michael (majeSTYX) shared this.

«Cultiver son lopin de terre, si petit soit-il, est un acte politique, c'est un acte de résistance.» — Pierre Rabhi

Attempted translation: “Cultivating his plot of land, however small it may be, is a political act, it is an act of resistance.”

idoric at 2015-02-10T19:04:31Z

"growing your own internet is the most effective form of protest" 


olm-e at 2015-02-10T19:06:38Z

Olivier Mehani likes this.

The bad news it's we need an incredible amount of food :(

Alberto Moshpirit at 2015-02-11T00:56:49Z