Laura Arjona Reina

Reposting (renewing) my support for

Laura Arjona Reina at

I wrote this one year ago... I'm reposting it because I think it's still true (even more true now!), and one year after that, reposting it is a way to say thanks to @Evan Prodromou and all the hackers (some of them are recipients of this, some others I surely forgot to mention) that make posible life in this #freesoftware #freenetworks Pumpiverse, and send them #goodVibrations for the new challenges they will face now (federation among non-pump networks, polishing the code and new releases, new users that for sure will come...).

The original post was about thinking as next-generation blogging, and this was my comment:

I like blogging! I have a blog and I update it from time to time. I write long posts... maybe too long, like this comment will be.

That said, "blog" suggests "writing, publishing", and "social network" suggests "conversation", interaction, and sharing not only words and photos. So I think should stick in "social network", because you can use it as a blog, but you can also share bicycle routes, weather forecast in your location, your git commits, your farm's activity... And that enriches conversation.

If I have to explain to other people, I would say "it's the social network that you can tinker in many ways". You're not only "a publisher" or "a consumer". Of course you can be that, if you want. But you have many "verbs" to connect your life with others, not only "post", "favorite", "follow", "unfollow". And you can create your own verbs, or hire somebody to do it, or just ask for it and maybe it is somebody's itch.

There are also the advantages of being free software and not totally controlled by one part. is "the social network where you can tinker the inside too". Do you want to own your data? you can. Do you want to setup a private instance for your organization? you can. Do you want to move to another server without loosing contact with your people? you can. Do you want to change the behavior? You can. Et cetera.

I got in love with when I saw @jpope tinkering with the minor activity feed (oh! I should have taken a screenshot of my "meanwhile" column, now I don't remember very well the kind of messages that I obtained).

I also got in love when I saw that the transition day, 4 different clients were available, and some of them in different languages.

I also got in love with the project of a raspi-like appliance for a home network. My son is 4 years old, I hope he will communicate with family and friends in a environment that we can all trust (and not lie about his age).

I see as "the second baby" - I'm the middle of three sisters, maybe I'm biased :) Now many people know what is a social network, they have experienced a bit with them, the good things, the bad things. Maybe it's time to a new start where we are on control, where we make social networks do what WE want.

Efraim Flashner, jrobb, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), netgeek and 15 others likes this.

jrobb, Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Douglas Perkins and 5 others shared this.

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Thanks for sharing this! I'm still new in the world and have still to explore it.

There is, however, one thing, I do not like in I cannot run it on my own server. You wonder: Why not? It's free software! Well, I can't sudo apt-get install, so for a Debian user it is out of reach. And why is it not in Debian? Because it depends on hundreds of node libraries and tools, some of them hard to package for Debian because of missing license files or whatever.

MediaGoblin has an easier start, just because Debian has most of the Python universe packaged. So, let's work on the missing node.js packages for Debian on one hand and on compatibility for MediaGoblin on the other!

Debacle at 2014-11-07T20:59:20Z

jrobertson likes this.

I agree it would be great to get it packaged for Debian. It isn't that hard to run in Debian, though: - and I think with jessie most of the "special issues" in that blog post have been solved. For example you should get nodejs and npm from the repos now, and I think nginx is much newer.

sazius at 2014-11-07T21:06:34Z

Mike Linksvayer likes this. is the first open social protocol that I actually felt compelled to design with; it was like a new paint, one with really endless possibilities. I've never developed for another social network, but this one was just so easy to use it was unavoidable...

Thanks to @Evan Prodromou, and thank to all the client developers whose work was my inspiration for my own little projects.

Stephen Sekula at 2014-11-08T02:31:11Z

Evan Prodromou, Owen Shepherd, sazius likes this.

i'm agree with all comments , i like working with as a sysadmin level ( and a user of course haha ) , i have made a project for my school , with debian and free services like owncloud , xmpp and , in a few weeks i will upload that project for all people can see "how to" in debian ;)

See you!

talo at 2014-11-21T14:02:31Z

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), jpope, Stephen Sekula, sazius likes this.