Laura Arjona Reina

Giving up, no more Spanish translations - Me rindo, no más traducciones

Laura Arjona Reina at

I'm tired of people complaining about half-translated software, half translated web sites. We are few translators, and the rest of the active people in #freesoftware world just produce too much information. Each release of Mediagoblin, FDroid, Pumpa etc bring new strings! And Debian people fixing the web each week! And now writing documentation is becoming trendy… It's too much for me. When I joined #freesoftware, projects were not moving so fast. I'm old. I've decided to give up. No more translations (I didn't translated too much in any case, so not much will be lost). Sorry.

Estoy cansada de la gente quejándose de software traducido a medias, de sitios web traducidos a medias. Somos pocos traductores, y el resto de la gente activa en el mundo del #softwarelibre simplemente produce demsiada información. Cada versión de Mediagoblin, FDroid, Pumpa etc ¡traen nuevas cadenas! ¡Y la gente de Debian arreglando la web cada semana! Y ahora se pone de moda escribir documentación… Demasiado para mí. Cuando me uní al software libre, los proyectos no se movían tan rápido. #quéviejasoy. He decidido rendirme. No más traducciones (tampoco traducía tanto, así que no se pierde mucho). Lo siento.

Olivier Berger, William L. Anderson, Michael (majeSTYX) likes this.

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠), Michael (majeSTYX) shared this.

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In any kind of long-term project, sometimes one needs to switch tasks. It is no shame.

In a hobby context, one needs to make sure one is enjoying things. If it isn't fun, it's not going to last in the long term, and then one isn't saving the world.

One should always measure one's satisfaction based on what one has achieved, and not on what one might have done if one had done something else. Real achievements count, fantasies don't.

Lars Wirzenius at 2014-12-28T15:06:47Z

Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠),, sazius likes this.

Hacer traducciones es un gran esfuerzo. No sé si usted está en Transifex o lo hace usted a solas. A solas se cansa cualquiera.

Translating is a big effort. I do not know if you are using Transifex or you just do it on your own. Anybody would get tired if you do it on your own.

Luis at 2014-12-28T15:13:01Z likes this.

Thank you everybody for your comments. You're very kind!

Today is Dec 28th, the Spanish "April's fools day"... I'm not planning to give up translating... in fact, I expect to get more involved in 2015!

More on this note

Gracias a todos por vuestros comentarios. ¡Sois muy amables!

Hoy es 28 de diciembre, día de los inocentes.. No tengo planes de dejar de traducir... de hecho, ¡espero implicarme más en 2015!

Más en esta nota

Laura Arjona Reina at 2014-12-28T17:38:58Z

cmhobbs, Raúl Benencia, William L. Anderson likes this.

I tried to help with the translation of a Wiki some day. It is too much to ask for one person alone. Still, I noticed something that may result very useful: Translation efforts require a coordinator.

Tedel at 2014-12-29T16:27:45Z