Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA ld@identi.ca
Santana, Brazil
Orthodox Proteſtant Chriſtian Relational data adminiſtrator
luissoeiro luissoeiro@identi.ca
Fernando Ike de Oliveira fernandoike@identi.ca
Brasília, Brazil
Debian Maintainer and PostgreSQL Volunteer
Richard Stallman Political Notes rms@identi.ca
Cambridge, United States
These are automatically posted from my blog. I don't read messages on identi.ca, please email me -- rms@gnu.org instead.
Alexandre Oliva lxoliva@identi.ca
Campinas, SP, Brazil
Free Software Evangelist. GNU speaker and advisory committee member. Recipient of FSF's 2016 Award for the Advancement of Free Software. FSF Latin America board member. LibrePlanet São Paulo activist. 0G foreseer. Maintainer of GNU Linux-libre, and co-maintainer of the GNU Compiler Collection, GNU binutils and GNU libc. Libre-SOC contributor. GNU tools engineer at AdaCore.
Diogo Biazus dbiazus@identi.ca
Erick Tostes ericktostes@identi.ca
São Paulo, Brazil
"Many a good man has been put under the bridge by a woman" @Bukowski
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel faw@identi.ca
San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
Brazilian/Dutch, Computer Scientist, Debian Developer, System Administrator, Free Software Enthusiast